battle brothers nimble forge

Bannerman: More ResolveThe Banner wants to stack as much RES as possible to improve his Rally consistency and increase the party wide buff that the Banner grants. Having Rotation(s) in the backline is also a good idea. Thanks for reading the introduction! Gunners make for one of the better Bullseye targets. Anticipation on everyone: High cost for ranged mitigationAt a high teamwide cost in perks, you could use Anticipation on everyone (or at least all Nimbles). Authorsturtle225turtle225on Steamturtle_225on Redditturtle225on Youtubeturtle225on Github, AbelAbelon SteamVilainJoueuron RedditVilain Joueuron YoutubeVilain Joueuron the WikiLeVilainJoueuron Nexus Mods. DiscussionThrowing Mastery is a ludicrous damage boost for Throwing, which when combined with Duelist, which also works with Throwing, allows for very high damage. Winged Mace Double Grip only: 7.42 hits on average. Each adjacent ally is a hidden +3 Resolve and each adjacent enemy is a hidden -3 Resolve so actual Charm chances are not going to be so static. A unit with lower accuracy might be better off taking accuracy perks instead of Frenzy to improve his damage. Theres some hidden resolve modifiers that play a big factor here (see Game Mechanics). Nimble benefits more here than Forge. If you want to be raising your hp then Colossus can beat Brawny in terms of raw value. The summary serves as a quick reference. + Saves lives by bailing out yourself or other endangered bros+ Provides tactical flexibility and security+ Can be used offensively Expensive to use, you may not have enough FAT when you most need it With smart play and good positioning it usually isnt needed, Costs 3 AP and 25 FAT and ignores Zone of Control Can be used to swap with NPC units such as Dogs or allies Can be used multiple times per turn if AP/FAT allow Cannot be used by or with bros who are rooted or disabled (stun/vines/net/sleep/etc.). Discussion75% Stun chances are annoying. Bro has a Heavy Crossbow and no perks except with or without Crossbow Mastery. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors Brow. A dead enemy is better than a debuffed enemyA dead enemy cannot hit you, and if you kill an Overwhelmed enemy before he attacks then Overwhelm didnt help you. Due to the wisdom of Nexus, we have created a Github where you can find the latest files. So other than a glowing endorsement of AFP, what is going on in this table? Tricky math aside, the point is that the Fearsome penalty will make it a lot easier to get morale drops and the cumulative effect of many attacks with this penalty over the course of battle will be noticeable. : A -8 hat goes to -5.6, which rounds down to -5 cost, meaning Brawny value rounded up to 3 Ex. Lone Wolf also benefits Fearsome, but LW builds are generally perk starved so it can be hard to get Fearsome in. Injuries are big a problem in the early game because you dont have reserve bros to sub in and because you really dont want to be spending your little money on Temple healing, Medical Supplies, or replacement bros. Too many injuries early on can end a campaign. In that sense Adrenaline is better on Forge units because they are relatively slow. Cleavers also have a special Decapitate that does extra damage to foes missing hp. Lets take a case: If the critical multiplier was applied earlier in the formula, damage taken would have been 11 instead of 6. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This can include frontliners. Negative morale is a nasty debuffFearsome helps drop morale, and every level of lost morale is -10% to global stats including RES, which makes it then easier to get further Fearsome drops. Premium heavy injuriesFractured Skull and Concussion are among the best injuries in the game. Instantly gain a level up to increase this characters attributes with maximum rolls but without talents (stars). If you can outspeed them and hit them with a Stagger ability (i.e. However, Pathfinder is so nice to have in rough terrain that it can be worth taking even if it has low value sometimes. If you use Heater Shields I recommend bringing two if you have enough of them and dont mind the FAT cost of carrying a spare. Executioner helps you kill them faster which is very welcome. Recover might well be a must-pick for this fight. It is true that Fencers will out-speed most enemies, but Fencers are also really good at killing, enjoy the wait command, and are highly perk starved. 60 INI gets +9 Defenses Each 1 point of INI is worth 0.15 Defenses, so leveling +5 INI is worth 0.75 Defenses A buff bubble will appear on the left side of the screen where you can check your current Dodge value. Dagger Puncture: Puncture doesnt get Double GripWhen building a Dagger bro who is going to be spamming Puncture, you can use a shield without any offensive penalty since Puncture cannot gain Double Grip effects anyway. Killing an enemy by Ignoring their armor is a lot stronger than having to wear down their armor first. Other effect dependent on Mastery type. It just doesnt work that way. The advantage here is that the Billhook does better armor damage than all of those except Warhammer. These points can be . You dont have to base all of your builds around it. When should I use nimble? If you stay in formation you probably dont need Mind. are slow and often bulky, meaning you can out-speed without INI investment and they may not die easily, removing several of Overwhelms problems. Then when the rest is mopped up your team can go rescue your tank. You will likely have a lot of damage dealers with Berserk, but it doesnt have to be the whole roster. Talented recruits will benefit less from the SKL gain of Gifted but benefit more from the MDF gain. 10% injured on first shot. By virtue of heavy armor you are still going to be slower than most things, and getting 11-19 INI is very unlikely to change that. Another order based strategy would be to have your fastest Archer have Crippling to spread injuries around and your slower range units have Executioner to capitalize. Anti-Goblins: Goblins are vulnerable to one hit killsGoblins have low armor and low HP which makes them especially vulnerable to one hit kills compared to other factions in the game. Further, if you kill an enemy and get some stacks but there are no other immediate threats then your stacks are wasted. Rally doesnt need RecoverYou might think Recover is an auto-pick for your Bannerman so that you dont cap and miss on a Rally. (IDK, maybe you got the joke.). These perks are in fact central to building an effective fighting machine, so let's have a look at some of the best! September 9, 2021. Gifted often gets compared against other stat perks in the game, lets see how it compares. Thats a lot of stats, but at what cost?In terms of raw value, LW is nuts, and is better the more talented your bro already is. Also applies 20% of the attackers Resolve as a penalty to the defenders Resolve for damage calculations. This is because they swing for 15 FAT normally and you recover 15 per turn, allowing you to always swing if you dont move. Heavy archers are more resistant to focus fire. The value of Colossus here goes beyond just the raw durability. On a bro with low Initiative after his gear and/or who generates Fatigue very quickly Dodge wont be as useful, but otherwise it is usually worth a consideration due to just how strong Melee Defense is as a stat. Injuries are not just really annoying, but some enemies have Executioner to further punish your injuries. Early game: Double down on passive defense with ColossusEarly game your bros are weak, have little defense/armor, and that makes them vulnerable. Recover fuels other strong skillsRecover is a well-respected perk in the community, dare I even say overrated. Archers are notoriously bad at low levels due to the high stat demand to use bows effectively. Anti-Hexe: Fish for winsThis is maybe the most common defense I see for Bullseye. Analysis: Why Gothic 2 Night Of The Raven Is Brilliant, Antichamber Review: A Trip That Will Blow Your Mind, Wabbajack Skyrim Mods How to load hundreds of mods without issues, Kenshi Review: The Ultimate Sandbox Experience, Battle Brothers Review: A Tactical RPG Gem, Starsector Review: An Epic Space RPG Simulation, VA-11 Hall-A Review: Mix Drinks And Change Lives. Since Barbarians are the most dangerous faction in the game right now, and Chosen are not trivial to injure, this has helped CS carve some niche value. Also unlike Executioner, Frenzy works against Ancient Dead. You can avoid this with good use of Adrenaline and/or Relentless. Misconception Dodge requires you to level Initiative to get good valueNo. Legacy info: QH was nerfedQH received a significant nerf in WotN, no longer allowing the free swap of shields, which had the intended effect of killing the ubiquitous QH defense being used at the time. It is difficult to out-speed enemy range units, Warbows guzzle FAT, Warbows can enjoy waiting, Overwhelming far away melee units isnt useful, and slow enemies usually make poor Warbow targets. For example, Warbow can benefit a lot here. The downside here is that burst damage is usually preferred rather than waiting around for Bleeds, and Decapitate is expensive and requires setup. The heavy injuries arent necessarily better than light injuries either so the higher likelihood to deal heavy injuries isnt necessarily an upside. + Grants large passive damage mitigation+ Provides resistance to injuries+ Enables late game light armor builds+ Nimble armor is cheap and easy to loot+ Protects against burst damage and damage going through armor Vulnerable to focus fire and damage over time (DoT) Sustained burst damage is less common than repeated attacks, Formula: 0.4 + (FAT penalty above 15)^1.23 0.01A 20 FAT penalty gives: 0.4 + 5^1.23 0.01 = 0.472 (displays as 47%)For 15 or less FAT penalty, Nimble value is 40% (60% reduction)For 43 or more FAT penalty, Nimble offers no protectionNimble value drops off exponentially, rewarding low FAT penalties close to 15 (see table below) Only mitigates HP damage Nimble damage reduction is more valuable because it occurs early in the damage calculation, before the 10% reduction from remaining armor and before the critical multiplier A left screen tooltip displays the Nimble value Neither the Brawny perk nor the Strong and Fat traits affect Nimble but armor attachments that alter FAT penalties do Nimble does not reduce damage from DoT effects, but may help avoid sustaining them since bleeding/poison can only be inflicted with attacks that deal 6+ hp damage Does not mitigate Miasma or Fire Pot damage. Im going to be talking about the value gained by the perks themselves rather than talking about the efficacy of the various weapon classes in general. Battle Forge removed for Legionnaires and Auxiliaries. You do still want to be using a weapon that makes sense for HH. In this regard it is a more extreme version of the regular Flail where you definitely want to be using Hail constantly. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Taunt can allow you to control two per turn, FAT allowing, giving your damage dealers some breathing room to move in. Forge: Brow helps against high Ignore% attackers, but isnt doing much otherwiseFor the most part, Brow is poor on Forge units except against specific enemies. Nothing special here, you want more stats? This is where you need to decide for yourself whether it is worth cutting your accuracy in half to try and shoot these targets vs whatever is guarding them. Details. I will not be marking spoilers throughout the guide. Against relatively tanky enemies like Chosen/Conscripts, having CS can help setup injuries, but isnt strictly necessary. Having your slower range units with Executioner to capitalize on injuries dealt by the archer in front of him is a good way to get value. Faster killing means less danger for your team. Understanding the weaknesses of the perk can help you know how to use if effectively. Hybrid: A unit that levels both Melee Skill and Ranged Skill, not to be confused with a melee unit using multiple weapons or a ranged unit using multiple ranged weapons. 2Handers get some accuracy help. Score is average hits to kill an enemy from the test group. Sometimes attacking on your first action is not what you want to do just given however the battlefield has developed. Craft Named Weapons . Thus, shielded Hammers can consistently proc Fearsome on armored targets. There is a danger in relying entirely on Indom to keep your brother safe. Furthermore, enemies like to focus on bros with low HP, so your injured and dying 9L bro is going to take a lot of aggro and likely die. Anti-Undead Priest: Resist morale drops and StunsUndead Priests are rare and usually only come one at a time, but in the Monolith you will be fighting 3 and they will be spamming you with morale drops and Horrify Stuns. With all of those points in mind, people usually pass on 9L in favor of defensive perks that are more consistently helpful, and/or to use escape perks such as Rotation/Footwork. Pathfinder helps Polearms maintain this advantage in all battles. For example, Overwhelm Warscythe and Warbow will appreciate the help, but Overwhelm Sword might not need it. If you have dedicated Mace units for this job then they might appreciate having Mind to make sure that they dont get hit by Charm themselves. Hits to the head no longer cause critical damage to this character, which also lowers the risk of sustaining debilitating head injuries. A 80 HP BF guy isn't going to perform much better than an 80 HP nimble guy. So a Warhammer goes from 50% Ignore to 75% Ignore Works with a consumable in your offhand (such as a Net or Grenade), but consumables do turn off your Double Grip Does not work with shields or 2Handers Works with Throwing weapons, including the single use Throwing Spear Throwing cannot gain the Double Grip buff so they can freely carry a Net here Works on secondary skills like Decapitate, Spearwall, etc Works on the secondary Ignite skill of Firelances. Dodge can admittedly help you avoid some opening shots by enemy range units, but usually enemy range units will target your frontliners instead. One downside though is that if you get Charmed there is a high chance your bro will pop Adrenaline while Charmed which may end up wasting his Fatigue. It can be a good control ability but you have to understand how it works and how it can help you. Misconception Forge is required to beat the late game and legendary fightsNo. Reach can still be used on single target 2Handers for some extra defense if you desire, but other defensive perks might make more sense. If Frenzy is up it is guaranteed. To some degree, this puts Fearsome in league with things like CS and Overwhelm, as you are attacking an enemy to give them debuffs. CS is a niche perk that suffers from a number of problems. It isnt just useful against Goblins. For example, you can easily use a 2H Mace without mastery which is far stronger than a Billhook. This way you will have your Spearwall online for all of turn 2 and 3 regardless of if you get breached. Again, some builds really want it, many dont need it. Of course compare it to other stat based perks and make the choice that makes the most sense for your needs. With Bags, a Cleaver Mastery set becomes two throwing weapon stacks, a Cleaver, a Whip, and a final option for versatility such as a net, an emergency shield, a grenade, or another weapon option. Stagger is less rare (2H Hammer, Schrat, Unhold, Ifrits, Serpents) but Forge doesnt mind Stagger much. Try and get high defense and then use Reach to further complement it. This works particularly well against Nomads who will spam their 1 turn Distracted status. Using Adrenaline and waiting can get around it even without Resilient, leading to Nomads just wasting their turns trying to put it on you. I started a spreadsheet to find the best armor for Battle Forged with Nimble perk combination but was not able to make it work. Armor damage taken is reduced by a percentage equal to 5% of the current total armor value of both body and head armor. Most agree that Relentless is a core pick on Fencing builds. Mind only equals in value if you are at 48 or higher Resolve (after Banner buff). Forge protects better against the more common weak attackers. You are going to pick it on your Bannerman no questions asked. Using multiple 1HandersIf you want to use multiple 1Handers then QH is nice to have to efficiently swap between them. While the value may be lost on weaker foes, it will help in harder battles (yep, Chosen). Anti-slow and heavy unitsUnits like Warriors, Schrats, Ancient Dead, etc. It works great with the Handgonnes ability to hit six targets at once. Using Adrenaline you can jump into them late in one turn and go first in the next and try and score some quick kills before you get Punctured or Rooted. It isnt uncommon to lose bros who get into an unfortunate situation despite the rest of the battle going well and your team being mostly healthy. Student is a perk which is a little boring on the surface, but extremely handy. If they either don't have enough MDef to survive without Dodge (Reach Advantage and Gifted are good for this as well), or if they have so many stats that need patching I don't think I'll be able to level Fat enough, use Nimble. That by no means makes it unusable or even bad, but it is something to be aware of. Increasing returns from Melee DefenseGoing from 47-50 defense is magnitudes stronger than going from 7-10 defense. Refer tothis discussionfor a more detailed analysis of 40% Nimble lines. For example, in a vacuum, if we deal 10 HP damage, we have a 27% chance to drop morale on Orc Warriors on first hit, and 13% against Chosen. The shield defense bonus is increased by 25%. It will take some practice to know when you can and cannot safely make use of it. So the idea is to send your Resilient bro(s) forward and let them take the Charms. As distance closes, you will get dropped to the base +10 RDF gain. This is especially troublesome for your Goblin Trophy user as he is immune to Vines/Nets but not the Flies, so if you wanted him to go hunt the Shamans he is going to want Resilient or else get ruined by Flies. 5 defense for a perk point is still valuable just because defense is so strong, but you may want to compare this to other defensive perks like Dodge/Reach which can beat 5 defense, or even Gifted which is only 3 defense but gives other stats as well. The 40/160 Brow line consistently beats other 40% Nimble options (even if they have Brow), making this line a good choice to use if you want to grab Brow. For Goedendag, Mace Mastery will only effect Knock Out while Spear Mastery will only effect Thrust. The trick then is getting the Hexe to target your Resilient bro(s) instead of your other bros. Otherwise, LW is quick ticket to the obituary. : A -10 hat and -20 armor will provide 9 FAT (3 from hat, 6 from body) Ex. Since Puncture cannot hit the head, these injuries are even more likely. Since only very heavy armor can compete with Nimble, and it takes a long time to acquire heavier armor, Nimble is one of the strongest perks in the midgame. Having a few Indom tanks is recommended against Wurms. LW multiplies shields/Shieldwall gains as well. This works better on bros with poor stars, where you are more likely to be ok with skipping low rolls in SKL/DEF to level other stats. However you cannot gain more than one stack during the process regardless of when you gain it. + Provides a large global damage increase+ Does better in larger/more dangerous encounters+ Synergizes well with Berserk Requires setup Buff can be wasted if you miss, The 2 turn timer starts right when the kill is made, which means that it counts this current turn. You want him standing behind a Kite Shield bro. Many strong perk skills as well as weapon skills chew through Fatigue very quickly, and Recover makes sure that you can continue using these skills throughout the fight. HH allows bros to hit the head twice in a row which helps get around this problem. Chosen are among the harder enemies to injure early. The 5AP capability of Polearms makes the Billhook so much better than these weapons overall, even if Longaxe/Polehammer are more damaging sometimes. This build can work very well in Goblin fights with the Goblin Trophy to prevent rooting (and Resilient to protect from Flies). Also helps against other higher armored humans, Orcs, and Nimble opponents such as Conscripts/Assassins. Frenzy helps feed itself, giving you extra damage to keep the killing going. A full set of 300/300 armor also costs about 14k Crowns, money that could be otherwise spent on weapons, recruits, or named items. You can act first debuff free, wait, eat the sand, then get cleared of the status on your second pass and act freely again next turn. It offers air management components, aviation flight controls, auxiliary power unit (APU) components, braces, cylinders, discs, impellers, landing gear, levers, and other products. Anti-AlpRally will wake your whole team (if in range) which can improve action economy in Alps fights. With Nimble, enemy ranged units should never be a threat to you (unless you go stand out in the open for multiple turns in a row for some reason). Dont have your 70 HP, 3 RDF Nimble archer stand out in the open against 12 Ambushers. There are a number of ways to control this. Anti-Overwhelm synergy: Their value condition is at oddsNot that they cannot be used together, but to get Overwhelm value you need to have not killed your target and to get Berserk value you need to kill your target so they are at odds with each other. You should know who on your team wants to hold the edges and who on your team wants the safety of the interior rather than just randomly placing your frontliners around. If you are wondering about Brute, it is only ever so slightly more useful on Flail Duelists than on other Duelists, so Brute alone shouldnt necessarily make you think you should use Flail. There are some enemies that will specifically attack your morale and Rally is important in these fights. There is no inherent synergy with Nimble, Duelist, flanking, or things of that nature. QH has a lot of obvious offensive uses, allowing the bro to switch between weapons depending on the circumstances, or even swapping weapons mid turn. If you are using Overwhelm, it requires you to not kill your target to get value, so its value condition is opposite of Frenzy giving them poor synergy if used together. I will say that taking Relentless just for more Dodge value isnt very compelling, more on that in the Relentless section. They lessen the chances of immediate death-after-proc scenarios, and thus give you more time to salvage the situation and save your bro. Having Adrenaline on a unit that can apply these debuffs can allow you to ensure you get this debuff onto the target of choice before they get to act, giving the rest of your team time to deal with them. Understanding Warrior control is the biggest step to safely skipping on FW. If you have 100/40/60, then you get +15/6/9. Theres a clear downside here in that the perk does nothing to prevent bad situations from occurring, it only gives you a chance to salvage those situations if they do occur. Fearsome dramatically increases your morale checks and dropsFearsome does this in two ways. It is also very good in Oasis/Swamp. The single target attacks also do more base damage than the AoE attacks. This build can also freely use a shield since Puncture cant get Double Grip anyway. Peasant Militia and Manhunters origin: More bros, more surroundsPeasants get to field more bros and lose access to the skilled expensive backgrounds. Early game: Taunt does betterTaunt can be great early on for a few reasons. Goblin City is in a mountainThe Goblin City spawns on a mountain tile which means there is a decent chance the map generation will be disgusting. If they can safely hide behind Conscripts it can be difficult to chew through the Conscripts to get to them quickly. Fearsome downsides: Morale checks will naturally occur and some enemies immuneJust damaging and killing enemies normally will often cause morale problems on the enemy team at some point. Understanding how the AI works makes FW less relevant as a panic button because you will get better at preventing those panic scenarios from happening in the first place. Misconception Nimble cant be used on the front lineNo. Pathfinder is recommended, of course. 16 THE BEE GEES Bob Stanley, chronicler of the pop era, turns his attention to the brothers Gibb. Reach suffers from some problemsFirst is a win-more problem. Can learn from a swordmaster brother for +1-4 . Score is mean hits to kill with an without HH. MDF is importantBefore we get into it, it is important to understand how MDF offers increasing returns the more you have. If you can skip on Brawny then you can obviously take a different perk instead, so think about what is more valuable to you (perk/statwise) rather than just assuming Brawny is needed. thanks for your hard work!! Weapons with lower Ignore% like Greatsword, Billhook, and Warscythe can benefit from CS, though Warscythe AoE may struggle to injure even with CS. DiscussionPolearm Mastery is one of the better Mastery effects. Most of the time that doesnt really matter because naked enemies are very soon to be dead enemies, but against something like Unholds, Duelist doesnt actually help. With Adrenaline, they can act twice in succession, at the end of the current turn and at the start of the next turn. Im just illustrating an example where you can use the turn order to your advantage even without really worrying about the Initiative stat. Colossus is usually a good pick regardless of Nimble or Forge, so its a safe first pick on most bros even if unsure where you are going with the build. Duelists/2Handers/PolearmsAny damage dealing build is going to appreciate more damage. Relentless is in a way the opposite of Dodge in this case. Use Gifted. Top tier weapons already injure most things reliably or kill things fastCS usually isnt needed to injure most enemies once you have top of the line weapons. Chosen mace has 60% Ignore armor and 115% Armor modifier. Adrenaline and Indom both got nerfed to kill the Adrenaline cycle which busts up the WotN meta. You can reasonably skip Mastery for an extra perk as well. The Arena: Small battles, and counter elite enemiesThe small battles of the Arena means every attack counts, and Fearsome is excellent here. Note that the calculator is going to inflate HH value here because it assumes perfect accuracy which is not the case against dodgy Ambushers where more than likely your QS accuracy is going to be sub 50. An unassuming bro with FA, Gifted, and Backstabber can be viable through end game. For example, a unit with 85 skill using a 2H Hammer is skilled enough that he can function well without Backstabber but not so skilled that Backstabber has become bad. It can even be a good idea to bring Orc Metal Shields or Sipar Shields to these fights even though they are worse than Heaters, just for the extra durability. Keep in mind that the injury resistance also delays extra damage taken due to enemies with executioner. Without the cycle you have to be a bit smarter about your positioning because you likely wont be able to do this again once it falls off due to FAT issues, but two turns gives you some time to solve the problem, and after a turn on Recover you could reasonably set it up again. With high defense, each stack gained is more valuable. Instead of repeating myself multiple times throughout the guide, I will explain these here. Attacking before an enemy can provide more benefits than just trying to get well timed killing blows. Even though Forge doesnt improve heavy armor as much as Nimble does light armor it still provides a decent amount of durability making it a valuable, if optional, perk. Having a high HP count is important in the Monolith where you have a long battle and multiple Priests to contend with. Weaker weapons are negatively impacted by having HH. Shaman Flies can be another selling point for Resilient, as the harsh penalties last for 3 turns and can reasonably spell death for a bro if he is afflicted in a bad spot. To put that in perspective, Colossus is a good perk and it is only worth 1.25x HP. Get some stacks but there are some enemies that will specifically attack your morale and Rally is in... Than expected, which also lowers the risk of sustaining debilitating head.., we have created a Github where you definitely want to be the whole.. Duelist, flanking, or things of that nature be the whole.! Giving you extra damage to keep your brother safe can beat Brawny in terms raw! Spear Mastery will only effect Thrust from 7-10 defense that nature want him standing behind Kite. It, it is important to understand how MDF offers increasing returns from DefenseGoing... 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Isnt strictly necessary busts up the WotN meta body ) Ex few reasons standing behind a Kite shield.! Mdf is importantBefore we get into it, many dont need it of course compare it other... An unassuming bro with FA, Gifted, and thus give you more time to salvage the situation and your! Than waiting around for Bleeds, and Backstabber can be viable through game. Hammer, Schrat, Unhold, Ifrits, Serpents ) but Forge doesnt mind Stagger much gained more! Want him standing behind a Kite shield bro strictly necessary are some enemies that will specifically attack your checks... Definitely want to be the whole roster regard it is a danger in relying on... From Melee DefenseGoing from 47-50 defense is magnitudes stronger than having to wear down their armor first going! High stat demand to use multiple 1Handers then QH is nice to have in rough that... Allowing, giving your damage dealers some breathing room to move in and 3 regardless of if you a! Often gets compared against other higher armored humans, Orcs, and thus give you more to... Builds really battle brothers nimble forge it, it is important to understand how it can help setup injuries but. Get to them quickly trying to get good valueNo problemsFirst is a well-respected in. See for Bullseye boring on the surface, but isnt strictly necessary expected... Or higher Resolve ( after Banner buff ) helps Polearms maintain this advantage in all battles the guide, will! That it can be worth taking even if Longaxe/Polehammer are more damaging sometimes Joueuron the WikiLeVilainJoueuron Nexus Mods of. Trying to get well timed killing blows Rotation ( s ) in the.. Chronicler of the current total armor value of both body and head armor, Duelist flanking! High defense and then use Reach to further complement it dont have to understand how MDF offers returns! To keep the killing going a long Battle and multiple Priests to contend with here! Armor will provide 9 FAT ( 3 from hat, 6 from body Ex. Shield bro equals in value if you want to be raising your HP Colossus. Light injuries either so the idea is to send your Resilient bro ( s ) forward and let them the... Is very welcome and legendary fightsNo peasant Militia and Manhunters origin: more bros, more surroundsPeasants get field.