I am so sorry to report that he has not changed. But I think my kat has watched too much Kenneth Copeland. But I knew I needed to do it. Not all he said was false because then it would have been obvious to any discerning Christian. Patient, kind, not self-seeking. I know a lot of people look at this. Guest Bios Show Transcript Spiritual abuse has become an increasingly hot topic, as more and more stories of bully pastors and hyper-controlling, Guest Bios Show Transcript After years spent in an abusive church, how do you heal? Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. But it happened to me in the meeting where I raised a couple things and James McDonald is like, I dont remember that. And there is one thing we know about Satan. So these letters, and this is what I found really riveting about your story, is when these letters were first given, as you said, they were given to pastors, with the exception of Sandys letter that went directly to you. Former Pastor Accused of Rape Resigns from Churchome After TRR Investigation; Church Official Makes False Claims, Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, Days-long Revival Sweeping Asbury University in Kentucky, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist. However as I grew in age and hopefully in wisdom, I consulted other versions of the Bible. It was positioned as an attack because the ministry was growing and those people were bitter, etc. Maybe not as profoundly as somebody whod been involved so long, but it was powerful. That way youll never miss an episode. Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. But it was at this point that I started to reach out to Harvest and really seeking their comment on some of the things that I had heard. Yes, yeah, there were a number of people. And then immediately after I felt that relief, I thought of Betsy Corning. I have them up at my website if you want to see those. If theres other passages we should be talking about, lets talk about them. The only joy in doing this is we would be obeying Gods word. And I remember, Julie, I was in that meeting that Tuesday night. And everyone who stayed just drank the Kool-Aid. Well, because Scripture says you do it in front of everybody. I just know I got them. This is the most used and abused (pun intended) argument. And this is when everything really started happening. But it was dark. We knew I needed to do it. And I have, you know, probably probably six weeks later, less than, probably four weeks later or something I I apologized for signing that. Ryan Visconti, the Arizona pastor platforming discredited celebrity preacher James MacDonald is attracting attentionnot just for his new partnership, but also his provocative social media posts about women and marriage. After you guys. Yeah, yeah. On Thursday, Im in a meeting with him where honestly, Julie, they were trying to convince me and the other elders in the room that hadnt been in previous meetings to let him resign. How come its always wives submit to your husbands and never husbands love your wives? But according to a recent email by MacDonald, hes a victim of defamation by an envious childand needs your money to rebuild.. The 8 Best Julie Roys Podcasts. But I think it was And anyway, hes fired. It seems we are being punished for the acts of someone who was our spiritual leader and was misleading us in a very unqualified way. Imagine such a thing. But its also an important podcast, because as you may know, James McDonald is aggressively trying to rewrite history and relaunch his ministry. There were six people who were brave enough, vulnerable enough to write letters. And youre going to hear all about what happened in those meetings and the strong arm tactics that McDonald used to try and get his way. He scared me in bible college I wanted nothing to do with him. And I remember being in the meeting thinking, I cant believe were arguing about this. Julie, are you saying that you support trans mutilation/murder of pre-born children/and are against conservatives? We had a group of Pastors who interviewed him and he gave us free tickets to his Straight Up conference. TRR reached out to Visconti numerous times for comment about his partnership with MacDonald and his provocative social media posts, but Visconti did not respond. And his email says, it seems we are being targeted. She declined. And thats got to be a heavy. And I knew that I needed to do something publicly. How about that one? And I listened to it. Please dont read something into a story thats not there. It wasnt an easy thing to do. "I was sitting in the back seat. Theres still one more thing I want to ask about. Gary, Theres 30 men in the room. The airing accelerated the timeline. And what happened and all the backroom meetings, private conversations and phone calls leading up to that fateful event? And I actually requested the letter from Sandy, because Sandy had shared some things with us about what she had seen. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Thats thats a much harder relaunch. And James, recently, in this video that he posted, said that there was an elder, in these meetings, he says, its very, very disparagingly who, who was holding his Bible and kept reading scripture. It was one of the big red flags to me, or I guess it was a yellow flag could have been a red flag, I wouldnt have done it. Just look at King David . So then James McDonald flies in, right? I remember praying before the Harvest Elgin campus as a garage, and its a former corporate space. And I just felt this incredible weight. Like, I cant believe this. The fruit which was souls coming to Christ was enormous. The leaders were brought together. And he opened the meeting, looking at me and said, I know what youre going to do, and the church is going to implode or blow up, and its going to be on you. His employment is coming to an end. He is not a pastor. And today youre going to hear from a former insider at Harvest, former elder Dan George. There was just an absolute refusal to rebuke him publicly. It was a four hour meeting. Plus, the school offers more than 60 majors, great leadership opportunities and strong financial aid. His support of Kari Lake shows that he supports her lies. He was like he started appealing the process. Right? Am I characterizing what happened there accurately? And I know it was a battle. I say this as a Christian who was taken to task by Christian doctors who told me of all sorts of cases that are not as the woman loved murdering her baby as many pro-life conservatives want everyone to believe. I mean his letter, not just talking about the abusive behavior of James, but the things he did with the money going on African safaris with the church money. Yeah. And at the end of the night, we looked around the room, we had talked through it. Today the guys share their conversation with journalist, author, and speaker Julie Roys. That was you, wasnt it? Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. Ive listened to the entire recording. It didnt sit right with me when I heard about it, that the church was suing you, and the Mahoneys, and the Bryants. Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Part II, Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Escaping & Healing from Abusive Churches, Part 2. Hi. *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. Guest Bios Show Transcript Many times, those who have experienced spiritual abuse are retraumatized when they try to speak about whats happened. Its almost like he got a bit weird with elephant conference and his new ministry associations as he left the Gospel Coalition and jumped into the Prosperity group. Great! Although as soon as, pretty much after Mancow aired it. And there was a voicemail from one of the pastors at Harvest, in a really sort of pushing for me to sign that put my name to that. Rick, Donald actually had talked to me after the meeting and said, how much that meant to James. And we talk about that Scripture and quote it over and over again. No One Knows. We knew what we knew what we were going to do. If hes ok with lies, that calls into question everything he preaches. And so I felt relief. And I was still on the board. Whoever said the dumbest thing had to take off an, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation. What what were you thinking? Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. The text included the hashtags #gossipslut #gossipmonger #filthygutterwebsite #cancerinChristsbody., MacDonald also tweeted the invitation, referring to me as Julie Jezebel Roys.. Its funny how things turn out, and this situation isnt wrapped up, yet. They said no, for various reasons. Should have that should have been enough of enough of a clue for me to say, Wait, wait, wait, thats a check. Instead, he blocked our access to his and Generation Churchs social media accounts. None of those charges were looked into. Well, you know, we laugh about it. I certainly am no Bible scholar. Church, Ministry News What does the bible say about that? Well she finally called Julie Jezebel Roys I invited Julie to appear in a public forum before and interested audience and answer for the many many lies she has told about me and my family as well as her bullying of anyone who opposes her or stands with us. So appreciate that and appreciate your humility. And I thought, Oh, my gosh! How about it James McDonald and John MacArthur (and the like), how about it? He was an incredible communicator both orally and his deportment was engaging. In this episode of The Roys Report, former Harvest elder, Dan George, joins Julie to tell the real story of MacDonalds firing. But like you do what that says and the people responded as you hope Christians do. The ministry is growing, we should expect to be attacked. I knew that there were hundreds of people, probably more, that were hurt that all this stuff happened. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. Why did you think it was important to own not just who James McDonald was, and not just point the finger at him. And with that opening, I felt like it was confirmed. These were people bringing charges against an elder. But, at whatever time it was, you know, midnight in India or something sitting in the lobby, I sent an email, put my name on it, heres my statement. Tell me about that meeting and what he did. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. He has always been a total its all about me. You disseminated down to the elders, and then that became really the sticking point for James, wasnt it? The pastor of the largest church in Minnesota (around 23,000 average . And you know, shepherds, I think of John 10, right, the the hireling runs away, the Good Shepherd stays. So were in the meeting. May 19, 2021 10:53 am To some former Harvest Bible Chapel insiders, Rick Donald was not just James MacDonald's right-hand man; he was also his "hatchet man" or "smiling assassin." Load more But this is a story that just is not going away. This is going amongst the elders now. I feel that our beginnings, KJV or influences kept many people locked in to the Old Testament, with all of its Thou Shalt nots. One person suggested reading the New Testament first for a change and then read the Old Testament for the beginnings, the stories and allegories and basically manmade superstitions and misogynies. James MacDonald Suspends New Home Church Network Julie Roys September 29, 2020 Seven months after launching a Home Church Network (HcN) for those who "struggle to get to church or to stay in church," former celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, is suspending the program. And this is this was this was hard, but at the end of the night, we talked through it, we shared things from the letters. How can a husband love his wife as Christ loved the church when he is emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually abusive? That this wasnt just James failure. Yeah. As I saw it, this letter of unconditional support was a huge and somewhat desperate PR move on James MacDonalds part, to say, hey, look, all our leaders stand with us, I must be okay. But to tell people they have to stay in a situation of violence, trauma and harm, or return to it, this is not a core tenet of Christianity. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. None of my sources said it was wrong. The Roys Report reached out to MacDonald with questions about the email, which he would not answer on the record. I think of the timing, I think it was earlier that day, that I actually I sent I had sent Sandys letter out, because Sandy sent, she addressed her letter to the elder board. MacDonald adds, Of the more than 4000 Change Partners once faithfully supporting our efforts monthly, there are now about 150the remnant from which we seek to rebuild. He then invites people to send him gifts. But its a story that needs to be toldand rememberedgiven that MacDonald is trying to relaunch his ministry in Chicago. For more information on Marquardt Buick go to buyacar123.com. And it was a pretty tough meeting. And that was a big question. And it was just a deep sadness, deep sadness. And again, this was on the churchs dime. And eventually, and I know you send them with a lot of safeguards, so they couldnt be forwarded. And so when they started arguing the process, I was just like, Oh, my gosh, thats what were just gonna talk about the process. "Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald": Julie Roys' Response February 12, 2019 Cherie Vandermillen [Julie Roys] I never thought I would hear an evangelical, mega-church pastor talk about planting child pornography on the computer of an executive at a Christian publication. No, Im just reporting. Can you share what was in it? At the end of that weekend, before James MacDonald got fired in February 2019. And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. Thats what meeting and when youre in a conference called and youre making a decision like that, every elder everybody on the meeting on the call had to make right had the voice be asked any question you have. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. And if he doesnt, what does that mean in terms of employment at Harvest Bible Chapel? My husband really appreciates James McDonalds preaching against my better judgement I told him about the new messagesso we have the Advent message from his Home Church network cast to the TV I had planned to leave the room so I didnt have to watch it I have to tell you he sounds sincere (without wax) I find the whole situation so heart breaking and confusing. The Roys Report is a Christian media outlet, reporting the unvarnished truth about what's happening in the Christian community so the church can be reformed and restored. And they said, I remember Dan telling me that that James slammed his fist on the table. Yeah, I got sued, but the case got dropped. A Christian leader, according to 1 Timothy 3:3, should not be "greedy for filthy lucre.". And all of the elders should resign and repent for what they did. But again, you push that issue, you got those letters. If hes ok with lying it places doubt on the gospel. . And many who have followed this story know what James McDonald has done. The elder board is still in the dark. But that is my hope. Then, referencing his arbitration with Harvest, in which he won about $2.5 million, along with all digital and physical assets of Walk in the Word, MacDonald writes: When we won the arbitration and regained access to our teaching ministry, it was in shambleslike a model plane that had flown so beautifully, being returned with report of a crash, when in reality an envious child had dashed it against the rocks just out of sight.. It was a large elder board. Honestly dont to this day. And thank you for loving our Lord and showing the way. At least some did. I also dont believe girls (or boys) have to like certain colors or behave and dress in certain ways to be real girls/boys. I remember sitting on my couch waiting to press the button to publish it. So I had a pretty good sense of what the meeting was gonna be from that point on. How do you how do you do anything with 30 people? We had to deal with it. And they were praying in earnest this entire time. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. And in those letters like Jacob Ross, who was the bodyguard of James McDonald. Whether he was going to resign or have an opportunity to resign or, you know, terminate his employment was to be determined at that point. Tell Harvest Church board hows the fruit now? The G in freemasonry stands for generation. Why would anyone who follows Jesus Christ care what Generation Church thinks about anything? God does not value the sanctity of marriage more than the safety and sanity of individuals in that marriage.. So he did that. Gary Weigel, if you total all the expenses including vet bills, it might be more than a tithe. Because your article seemed to conflate all these things. SMH. Marquardt is a Buick GMC dealership where you can expect honesty, integrity and transparency. I stepped away from my computer a couple of times. Because if he resigns, he gets up in front of the church, gets to spin things, and, you know, can probably relaunch somewhere else. (We're a church of around 4,000 members & regular attenders.) Well, youre welcome. They should go to the reconciliation team. I knew I had to do it. He was in the many meetings leading up to McDonalds termination. But according. First he used to walk up and down the isles and second it was a bit more exegetical than primarily exhortation based and those dynamics flipped. So I appreciate it. The Lord made it really clear. Great! I did not. Not long ago, I noticed that James MacDonald is still latched onto evangelical watchdog blogger Julie Roys as his number-one. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. And if I can give you a context, where I was in my thought process, in that. Yeah Cynthia. Who were all shameless self promoters. So at the end of the night, no one got the letters. This story saddens me. And Im just trying to smear him. That was really wrongdoing at Harvest, would be to repent. 2. Again, youre seeing it from a total other perspective where Im the bad guy, James is a good guy. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? Hes a deceiver. In a recent Instagram story, Visconti, pastor of Generation Church in Mesa, claimed abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. And in an Instagram post on November 21 that received 5,621 likes Visconti wrote: A weak woman with a strong husband will become a strong woman. Those are simply other examples of posts about controversial issues. I said, I will confess my transgression to the Lord, and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Longtime leader of the Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Chapel James MacDonald has been ousted as senior pastor in light of unsavory remarks he made on a hot mic that were aired on local media Tuesday. Now what we did do is there were probably I dont remember the number Julie. And while youre at it, Id really appreciate it if youd help us spread the word about the podcast by leaving a review. Malachi 2:16 has been harmfully interpreted & practiced based on twisted translations, Malachi 2 clearly talks about husbands dealing treacherously w their wives these husbands are the ones who hate and divorce 16 The man who hates and divorces his wife, says the Lord, the God of Israel, does violence to the one he should protect, says the Lord Almighty. Roys detailed evidence from former Harvest elders, employees, and members that . Dan was one of the elders who fired James McDonald. And to give you the flavor of the meeting, when I walked in the room, and we all greeted each other, we were in the former executive pastors office around an oval table, and James McDonald sitting across from me. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. Do you expect ANYONE to say yes to your question. Others as well, who were defending and saying, well, the elders shouldnt even have these letters we had agreed, they go to the reconciliation team. And a few days later James MacDonald's sons, Luke and . Thankfully, I had headphones on. Five of the six have been published. pretty rotten.. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. You do that, and hope that the person will repent, and that they will turn and that therell be restoration. In an email to The Roys Report (TRR), Vernick noted that in the Old Testament, Abigail, the wife of the boorish and immature, Nabal, was a strong woman, married to a weak characterand she wasnt toxic. It was in the very, very early days of its launch. As youll hear in this podcast, there was a strong push to suppress those letters by those loyal to James McDonald. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? But I had all I had all the letters by that point. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? If youd like to find me online, just go to Julieroys.com. Search my early tweet history. Six people who I doubt wherever actually all in the same room. But for us not to act would be unbelief. No One Knows. Yet another American megachurch is immersed in accusations of wrongdoings. There was a spirited discussion of the letters and who should be able to read the letters. And we shouldnt be, you know, happy with standing in line and say, well, so and so said that, right? And then he apologized. I thought the weight was dealing with everything else in there was a weight, but that was the weight. The elder board of Harvest Bible Chapel formally apologized to independent journalist Julie Roys and several former members, months after joining founder James MacDonald in a defamation lawsuit accusing them of publishing false information about the church's management and finances last fall. How do spot a safe pastorand can. Christians should stop feeding these people. And and again, I got out of this like so unbelievably easily. What it really means to speak the truth in love, one post read. Theres no joy in doing this. There were voices raised. Just saying a lot of vile things. So lets move on to these letters. Yes, it is. Because I believe in the church. And you couldnt be accused of disseminating them to the larger public. Its loving to give medicine to a sick patient, and its loving to speak the truth to a deceived person.. He was the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel megachurch in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, United States [1] [2] and was the host for the church's former broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word . Theres a number of narratives out there right now about how these letters came to the elder board. He had joined, I think a year into, into Harvests history. To myself, I said, and do our job. So this is going to be a fascinating podcast. And Stetzer is a huge, huge part of the crooked machine. The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, . Because they stood up to James or they just tried to walk away quietly because they couldnt they couldnt stomach what was going on any any longer. There was just enough false doctrine so that it was swallowed up with the truth. Its impossible to take evangelicals seriously. Not everybody had the physical letters, but we talked through what was in the letters. But one of the circumstances hes talking about, hes talking about something specific where Id stood up for him in a meeting years ago. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. I didnt, I didnt argue with him. And I got it. But he said when he and Scott Phelps and Barry Slebaugh went into a meeting with James in the summer of 2012, asking for, whats your salary James? In the area (a south metro suburb of Minneapolis, MN ), that's just the average cost of a house. How much do you make? He knows! Yet, Dan, you owned it. I remember talking and saying, guys, were all going to give an account to the Lord one day for what were doing in this meeting. And and that would be my word to James McDonald. For narcissists, attracting attention is the point. Good to be here. The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. The senior pastor at my church moved into town in 2014, and bought a home in proximity to the church for $260,000. So those letters, and I just, I had to thank you, Dan, because those letters may have never reached the full elder board had you not push the issue. This man has been your pastor for decades. But he demanded that he be flown home on a private jet. Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a "pattern of sinful behavior," James MacDonald is preaching at Generation Churchan Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch in Mesa, Arizona. She wrote about, you alluded to it, she wrote about the end of this Risen for the Nations tour when they were in Haiti. And the things that were done to them after they left. A fascinating podcast in those letters by that point ( around 23,000 average james macdonald julie roys happened all about me they. Be talking about, lets talk about that Scripture and quote it over and over.. 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