Harry often did lines with this quill in detention during the 1995 - 1996 school year, always writing the same words: I must not tell lies . Detention is a form of punishment used in schools, where a student is required to spend extra time in school. I have recently received news from Mrs. Birch herself that she continues to be active as a professional disciplinarian in Sydney, Australia and is in the process of revamping her website. Like most children at the time, when I was young and in school, I sometimes got in trouble and was consequently disciplined by my teachers (or administrators). In my case, I personally experienced caning at my . I decided that I would work on ALL the lines simultaneously, always starting from left to right, adding words in a pseudo-random order, up and down the page, in all directions, until I ended up with the number of lines required, or filled up the number of pages. Jim, Bob, Sally ) Is this pupil. Line after line. Another method that I discovered, which was slightly more interesting for me, was to write each WORD of the sentence, one by one, going down the page vertically (see attached image). I adore holding her down against Me. (permalink), Hi Edward, 13. If they make a sigh they are paddled. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I had done some handwriting both for wfm contacts and elsewhere (fetlife). They are expected to have had a drink of water and attended toilet before commencing. NO TYPING! If anyone what a more immersive experience. Well - I don't know about you dear readers - but that it a punishment I really would work hard to avoid! Our sissy typing test allows your errant employee to be set to work in a similar way, presenting a series of slogans that are sure to encourage a suitably submissive state of mind. Detention, commonly misspelled and rightly so, detension. Another punishment under this category is simply to be given extra homework. It is also a reflection of your very character and proves that you cannot be trusted. [CDATA[ This is a result of both the onerous assignments imposed, as well as the strict Rules of Conduct that are enforced with the cane, tawse, paddle, hairbrush and other measures. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. by. He used to be an army officer years ago but when he comes to my house he looks like a nervous boy. Kink Talk is a community and resource for adults researching and exploring the kink, BDSM, and fetish worlds. xPpuV(T0 Bs=cCCCC=C3STpei`dgfhdOpI,.VH-O$`hRp
QTp: !5 39 months ago endobj If we got a deans' detention at my high school in New Zealand, we had to write numbers for 1.5 hours on a Friday . (immediate d-hall)
It is due the following day. These creative shortcuts help get through the monotony while hopefully still teaching an important lesson about behaving in the classroom. If a miscreant asks for an early break the answer is "No". Good afternoon everyone, You must log in or register to reply here. Even though throwing paper may be harmless, throwing some objects may be unsafe, so I need to not throw anything at all. I've read of submissives wearing signs at parties about their misbehavior and what punishment they are under. He won't be drilling any recruits here! The cane will ensure the uniform remains neat and tidy. Mentions lgales & Politique de protection des donnes personnelles RGPD. One of our line writing punishments is "The world is a dangerous place. endobj No one ever looked forward to a lecture from their parents. This will lead to an overall improvement in behaviour as they strive to avoid the punishment. This creates rather an unpleasant quandary for the miscreant. But it still takes a toll on the hand and mind. 50 0 obj<>>>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g )>> Professor Umbridge overseeing Harry's detention with . The 6 th unprepared will result in a detention. Corporal punishment is carried out by an adult who hits the child with a hand, or with canes, rulers, or other objects in the name of discipline. 36 0 obj<>/Type/Annot/Rect[226.7717 223.2567 390.6142 241.1716]>> Some detainees tend to make too many mistakes. I am taking a break from My discipline session with My katrina santa cruz. New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 22. Writing lines is a less aggressive punishment than some used in the past. See more ideas about classroom management, classroom behavior, behavior management. Being disrespectful should not be part of the classroom environment at all. 50 months ago The third algorithm, though, might actually take more time. The Dominant can take away favorite foods, set a bedtime, allow only a certain number of text messages per day or can make clothing requirements. Then the realisation sinks in that they must remove the page and start again. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. To remind me of the rule to be in class and in my seat when the tardy bell rings, I will write and write and write. Posted by: This is because they are rushing. The drained water should be kept for a drink after the meal. My name is Mistress Strict. 1 0 obj I'm wondering how many task writers on WfM also write lines on paper sometimes - either for their WfM task setters or in any other context. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Writing lines, as you can imagine, was rather tedious. endobj must sit up straight at all times, no slouching. I hope that you complete your assignment without any problems. She is always naked and is always placed across My lap. Great to be on the WFM Forum! The sorts of punishment vary between different schools, but generally, these may include but are not limited to: daily report or behaviour contracts; apologies; time out; detentions; being made to write essays or lines; being made to pick litter up around school/helping out around the school Acti-Sol Hen Manure is one popular product that has been used with success by experienced, Fighting Fungal Diseases on Plants - Exploring the Use of Copper, Daconil & Copper Fungicides, The use of copper to fight plant diseases is an intriguing concept that has been around for some time. What other ideas do you have as ways to prove you obeyed and the sentence was carried out. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream hands on head, detention, punishment - writing lines punishment stock pictures . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Zip. Advertise on Submissive Guide, Promote / Branding
Technically speaking, if we want to talk about these techniques of solutioning the Writing Lines problem, then the two first implementations are more or less equivalent, computationally speaking. @ 5 etc. They must of course remember that it will be three hours before they may visit the toilet again. 48 0 obj<> Apr 28, 2015 - Explore Darla Agent's board "Writing punishment" on Pinterest. The water may again be saved for his refreshment breaks. For example, one earnest writer on Medium shared his experience with writing lines. In detention, the punishment was often writing lines. endobj For an online or long distance relationship, part of the frustration of both parties is the proof that the punishment was carried out. endobj
J J J J J ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ 3 a a a | J a a a a a J J a During detention attire will remain neat and tidy at all times. Not doing such things anymore now. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream 52 0 obj<> My old boy don't like to hear that! Slave Philippa | %|j-,r)T x3T0t 415320V43 E Tag Archives: Line writing detention Double Detentions. ///Type/Annot/Rect[183.5717 250.2425 441.0142 268.2709]>> This can be an interruption to the learning process because it may catch students attention. 5 0 obj<>/Type/Annot/Rect[208.8 356.3716 410.3433 374.4]>> Did you try similar strategies? There is much to be said about detentions & lines. Handwriting lines in a book is a physical reminder as well as a mental one that you have disobeyed and are being punished. USA
Enjoy and try not to laugh too hard! A single line but with a lot of repetitions, maybe 100 or 150 got trouble. This starts over each quarter. Blind Flight (the number of lines and the punishment options are hidden while typing, also, there are no statistics except a progress bar) Blind Typing (the typed text is hidden, there will be a placeholder text indicating when a line is complete or if there was a mistake) Interruptions (you can have Writeforme! :DwFEIj=Af/K>{=HX-OL $vQ ]:R.k'R3X# N>rbv$0B0ZJw@4kc 0d
|4S 0OyF. toomanybeersies on June 19, 2018. Other Documentation of Self-Punishment Obedience. Some infractions result in points being deducted from the offender's House. You can feel horrible and that's the point. Copper has been known to kill tomato plants if placed directly into the stem or base, but placing copper wire around the wound may not have the same effect. 4. Of course I'd do it if I was told to but I prefer to devote time typing on the site. Ultimately, even some punishments made people think creatively too. Computationally speaking, these are more or less equivalent, all things being equal. Maybe I got these paragraphs because I threw something to someone instead of walking over to them and handing it to them. endobj This makes the task more onerous as the detainee is unable to gauge how long they have been toiling, how long they have to go, or when the next toilet break is. Detention is a form of punishment at Hogwarts in which the student has to carry out an unpleasant task after school hours. teenage girl (12-14) writing lines on chalkboard, rear view - chalkboard punishment stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. October 29, 2005 at 03:52 AM. Writing this assignment is one of the ways my teachers are reminding me that it is against school policy to chew gum while in school. Because if you don't, the second difference causes quite an impact. The image went viral through a friend of Isabellas mother. 20 0 obj<>/BS<>/Type/Annot/Rect[71.2063 730.2047 541.5874 741.3732]/T(Chad Manis)/DA(0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg /Cour 9 Tf )>> I took great care to administer a sound blistering to her bottom. As with all writing tasks, a thank You note should be added at the end. If you're given a detention outside school hours, your . <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream 5. Terms Of Use, Wanna hang out with other submissives and their partners? So please other group members lets be nice and as much as it is a horrid punishment writing lines,but please to help keep this group active please take part in what Miss Ruiz is offering as Miss has given up her valuable time to organise and set regular group punishments, which I for one will carry out,well thanks for every ones help in this request
The quantity will be 100. The essay can be about anything that the Dominant feels would benefit the submissive in improving their behavior. 45 0 obj These creative shortcuts help get through the monotony while hopefully still teaching an important lesson about behaving in the classroom. No seasonings are used. Teachers need a calm environment to do their job. Accordingly only two mistakes are permitted. I'm old enough to have written lines a few times as a school punishment and, as an adult, I've occasionally punished myself by spending a day writing as many as 500 lines to assuage my guilty feelings when I'd done something I was particularly ashamed of. If they had to face this punishment, some students found a way to make it fun or even speed up the process. % Writing lines is another form of essay punishment that can be a reinforcement tool. I hated doing this. endobj It will always need to be completed, even if this means the pupil remaining for eight hours or more; or returning the next day. Taking account of both speed and errors, it's perfect as a line writing punishment, providing proof of performance that may be used to determine whether further . Furthermore, if the teacher has asked me to get to work and I do not, I am not following the rules and it is considered insubordination and could be grounds for a referral. With built up trust, these things can also be done with camera proof or maintaining communication. When writing (short) lines there comes a point where you can switch to auto-pilot (that is, until you make a mistake and curse yourself for not paying attention). Sexual punishments should be used with care if used at all. Looking at his background, A.G. definitely has the basis for a mind that thinks creatively and critically. Aunt Louise | 6 0 obj<>>> This is also possible in face-to-face relationships. School discipline: writing lines and detention did the trick. A miscreant may only ask a question if they raise their hand and await permission. 15. If he writes quickly he will finish the exercise and be dismissed early and without further penalty. It was close to ideal because it solved what was the actual technical problem, i.e. I can provide contact details for anyone wishing to get in touch with her and will keep readers informed of further developments. 44 0 obj Many try to get their students to have fun while learning, but some students can be disruptive, break the rules, and need some disciplinary measures enacted.
. endobj He should eat in silence. I have a bad habit of tossing things. Confidentialit et cookies : Ce site utilise des cookies. endobj Since the detention room has no clock and no windows, victims are unable to chart their progress. _
K L j k t hv! If it is a weekend detention then the detention starts promptly at 7:00pm on the Friday night and continues until at least midnight. This spoiled man/boy is is real trouble. <>stream Visually, it is more difficult to complete each phrase in a distributed manner, or non-linearly if you will. Sarah Jane Owww! In other words, I ate ______ (fill in blank with what you were eating/drinking) and chose to disregard the rules about consuming substances in class. (permalink), I very much want to join the detention class. 11. Writing punishments. h >*OJ QJ hr" OJ QJ hv! I found that writing each word of the full sentence downward, vertically, word by word moving towards the right, was already less boring. (i must not waste my time on websites x 250). Each and every day there is the chance to screw up and be disobedient. The thing is that if you use writing as a punishment, all writing assignments will feel like punishment to your child. When a parent makes a child sit down in a quiet area and write for punishment, her focus and attention becomes occupied in a way that can prevent angry outbursts, temper tantrums and other misbehaviors that result from boredom or . However, if he writes quickly, he is more likely to make an error. endobj You are using an out of date browser. Peppers take longer than tomatoes to get going, so start them first. And that's not what writing should feel like. Listen to beautiful music on headphones. . (permalink), Did anyone actually sign up for the class detention? Thats a smart observation by Isabella and probably saved her wrist a lot of aching. However, I wasnt satisfied with these options and so I innovated some more and basically developed what would have been my very first algorithm. This is a bit of a no-brainer when it comes to line writing, but it also . Detainees will write continuously until dismissed and may not stop or break for any reason whatsoever. !Reflection papers range from writing letters of reconciliation to goal-setting, character reflection, and more.These single-page, ready-to-print and . Uniforms are inspected and should be neat and tidy, shirt tucked in, collar stiff and starched, tie straight, socks straight and shoes polished. 7 0 obj<>/BS<>/Type/Annot/Rect[70.4126 729.411 535.1811 740.5795]/T(Chad Manis)/DA(0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg /Cour 9 Tf )>> Used mostly online as the title describes, this would be going to a chat room or other online BDSM venue where others are and declaring your misdeed and receiving chastisement in front of other people. Other letters provided similar opportunities to a lesser but still helpful extent. My personal favorite is Underwear should be worn on the inside, at the 2:00 mark of this compilation. PO Box 8574
The standard or what we might call the linear way is to write each full line, one at a time, down the page. endobj Some states have what's called an "educational merit" rule. No seasoning or sauces are allowed and impeccable table manners are expected. This is why it is a good punishment tool for those online relationships. One could write each line, completely, from left to right, and then continue to write each new line, one after the other, going down the page. endobj endobj Work will be carried out in total silence and there will be no access to clocks or watches. I have before school, between classes, lunch, and after school to socialize with my friends; so that is when I should talk with my friends. So to remind me, I will write this paragraph over and over and over and over. It just means we need that bit of focus that punishment affords us. They many not rest their elbows on the table nor their chins on their hands. Herewith I reproduce her notes on strict detentions and writing lines:-. endstream Detentions. I cause problems for myself and the class when I dont have my materials ready. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"BPwx.zBNVXzACJ68iEB3D9rdQaWVWNfyMq0vfq6H3yA-1800-0"}; For other more serious offenses, detentions are handed out, or the staff member speaks to . Her tears are very real and plentyful. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"PvJv2FtRHWCl7PW4O5Oplz0sGQusBb.XW8vtUJpmOlU-1800-0"}; Being made to write a hundred lines, a letter of apology, a self-criticism essay or even - I kid you not - writing a whole book by hand! 38 0 obj<>/BS<>/Type/Annot/Rect[73.5874 731.7921 543.9685 742.9606]/T(Chad Manis)/DA(0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg /Cour 9 Tf )>> 47 0 obj I can hear her wimpering and sobbing. That is unless you are an online submissive. 18 TV And Movie Teachers We Love And Need In Our Classrooms, Firefighters Finish Mowing Mans Lawn After He Is Sent To The Hospital, Elvis Presleys Cousin Talks About The Truth Behind Elviss Facelifts, Webbed Toes, And More. If you click it, you'll go home, i have been naughty and need punishing by a female teacher, i have been naughty misbehaving with women/ladies, any females on here who need punishing with lines, Looking for a disciplinarian for a specific task, are there any females on here willing to give me lines to do. . It is a pain to be on time when I would rather talk to my friends, but I have a responsibility to myself and the rest of the class to be on time as arriving late disrupts the entire learning process. jane.sarah52: Good afternoon I am sure other pupils would of had a e mail from Miss Ruiz, about attending a group class detention,as I have had one as well Well this morning I got up at 7am had my breakfast got ready for school in my uniform obviously,and went to my class room where I spent 30 minutes in the corner,( as I also have a individual punishment from Miss Ruiz,gulp and gosh ) any way . But it was never an easy task. I am sure other pupils would of had a e mail from Miss Ruiz,
Starting with the right soil and conditions can make all the difference when it comes to germination and transplanting of pepper seedlings. When confronted with this punishment, A.G. found the typical way of writing to be boring. xPpuV(T0 B3=s3SCC=C]3P(JWp Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I will be handing out punishments to those who need them. Detentions start promptly at 7:00pm in the evening and finish when the miscreant has completed his assignment. (Edit: The second solution takes slightly longer because of the time it takes to move the pencil back from the last row to the first, vertically.). This is disrespectful and cheats everyone out of the education that they came to school to receive so that they can be a well-rounded, productive, and successful citizen of our country. Most amusing Long detentions offer the extra delight of special detention meals:-. If a mistake is made the whole page must be torn out and started again. I've just joined this group and would like someone to set me som if yes then i do them by email and my email address is neilpatrickson14@gmail.co Good afternoon
Often times it is appropriate to talk with other students in my group if we are working on an assignment, but only if the talk is productive and about the lesson. Six-year-old Isabella Collier faced a similar situation as A.G. She too needed to write lines, her phrase being I will make better choices. Similarly, she took a unique approach that involved writing down the page. Curtains will be drawn to prevent staring out of the window.". Punishment uniform rules should be administered strictly too. I have done roleplays with others be Greetings
I love writing lines by hand, I find it meditative and I like improving my handwriting. There is a certain amount of visual searching that one must do to figure out which words are missing from which line. For each and every page thereafter he receives three cuts of the cane when the page is removed. Lines are written in blue ink. Mike found a few lines that were not to his liking, and spanked Kayla again. endobj As a method of punishment, she had students who displeased her write lines using the Black Quill, which Professor Minerva McGonagall considered a "medieval method" of teaching. (permalink), I don't have time at the moment to take part in the detention class, but I did receive an individual assignment from Miss Ruiz that I have just completed and sent to her, so now I wait nervously to see if it passes inspection. As Michael Gove is told off by John Bercow, Eleanor Doughty remembers the fear of school teachers and ponders the benefits of writing . Simple. endstream Are you a girl or boy in need of strict discipline? Like I said, what was lost in runtime lets say, in time resources/complexity, was gained a thousand-fold in the subjective interestingness of the activity itself. They are forbidden to gaze around anyway. I know I used the email method when I was online only, but eventually, those essays ended up on my blog as well. Punishments of this sort are quite common in face-to-face relationships as they can be policed easier that way. Honesty is the best policy and makes you a better person, and so to remind myself how important it is to be a moral person, I am writing and writing and writing and writing. However, I was a smart kid and I invented ways to make it more interesting. If you do not turn in the paragraphs, they double each day. endobj These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. . I need to be in my seat with my materials ready and ready to work when the bell rings. WOW! It's a thrill for me to see his sad face as he thinks on the hours he spent doing the lines and now he has to tear all the pages. The detainee can be allowed to get almost to the end of the page. Naughty schoolboy with lines written on a blackboard reading I will try harder in class. Here's an easy assignment for you. But she sped the process up even further with one simple observation. 31 0 obj<>>> This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is a joy to watch the face of a naughty boy when he makes a mistake and realises he must remove the page and start again! Miss Hunter with a cane. I write very badly so it was a pain, but an enjoyable pain. E d h n 1 2 s t Write For Submissive Guide
Doing Nothing:
When a teacher calls a student name or asks them to get on task, a common response from students is, Im not doing anything. Well, that just may be the problem; they are doing nothing when they are supposed to be working on their assignment. 50 months ago Having to hear a long drawn out message is even worse. We like to keep an appropriate record of punishments undertaken at Murdoch Academy, so our Detention Slips are in use. Listen to your Dominant during lectures, don't tune them out. You are free to take your slip home with you to show your guardians, or keep as a memento; just ask Miss Hunter if you may, after your detention. Detention and school discipline / punishment concept. :
In spite of the preponderance of regulations opposing mastication of substances, I repudiated the sovereignty of the governing personages and chose to violate the rules, thereby procuring the resulting consequences of inscribing this paragraph. The squash are then mashed, or preferably pureed, and left to go cold. 18 0 obj<>/Type/Annot/Rect[221.3291 300.5858 394.1291 320.3716]>> : Ce site utilise des cookies get through the website an enjoyable pain are then mashed, or pureed... People think creatively too s an easy assignment for you for those online relationships maintaining communication the window... Detention meals: - cuts of the classroom out punishments to those who need them less... A detention maybe 100 or 150 got trouble at 7:00pm on the site what & # x27 ; s easy... Reflection of your very character and proves that you can imagine, was rather.! Their misbehavior and what punishment they are supposed to be said about detentions & lines on websites x ). 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