The fact that a body is cremated does not make it impossible or difficult for God to resurrect that body. Remember Romans 8:38-39 that gives you assurance that there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Cremation in Judaism has many different people saying many different things, but it boils down to this: However, if you believe that the souls of the dead will come back to life, then that bone being destroyed in cremation does not influence spiritual reincarnation.. WebTherefore, the fact that a body has been cremated would not prevent Him from resurrecting us. There are, however, biblical examples of how Christians were buried recorded in the Bible. It involves burning the body, reducing the body to bone fragments in the process, after which they are ground into dust. Contact Us. Daniel 12:2. WebMisconception: Cremation dishonors the body. Cremated bodies become part of the air and ash and buried bodies become part of the ground and plant life. However, some Christians believe that the dead rise from the dead. This practice is becoming the norm. Scriptures of the Old Testament, such as 2 Kings 23: 16-20 spoke of the desecration of an altar after human bones were burned there; however, nowhere in the Old Testament does it command against the burning of a human body. To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. T ue stop me from being present with my Lord. All bodies buried since time are all dust by now, and when the time happens, they will become dust if God tarries (1st Corinthians 15:35 44). These two cultures did not believe in the afterlife and used cremationwhen disposing of their dead. Genesis 3:19 - In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. For the first time in American history, the majority of Americans are choosing cremation rather than burial at 50.2%. So glorify God in your body. Within a few hours, the body is reduced to bone fragments. The bible does not outrightly approve or go against the idea of cremation; if anything, the idea further strengthens the notion that from dust, we have come, and to it, we shall return. But in our quest and furtherance to understand the word of God, we sometimes tend to overthink things and begin to question a thing or two about Him (Acts 36:8). I trust Jesus Christ who is God. The Israelites always buried their dead or put them in a tomb. In general, the practice ofcremationwas taken more as a punishment than honor in the Bible. Grand Rapids. We might as well say it gives a visual representation of hell in their eyes, and hell is a place reserved for sinners, and it might represent that such a person is taking rewards of their evil deed on earth before journeying to the life beyond. what an assurance and great comfort this is. Many years ago, our pastor at that time gave his opinion on the question of being cremated. One thought that came to me I dont believe cremation will keep you out of heaven, and I also dont beleive it will keep you out of hell. If cremation was an important issue to God it would have been addressed in detail. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will. Later Babylonians burned their dead and deposited their ashes in ornate funerary urns, as did Greeks and Romans. Topics: Heaven. Wasnt she burned at the stake? He maybe can't tell you where it is in the bible because it's not there to find! No, this isnt what the Bible says, and I find nothing in the Bible that forbids cremation as a means of disposing of a persons body. Historically speaking, the practice of cremation does have pagan roots. The reasons for burial. Are you wondering what does the Bible say about cremation? I am Retired USAF. After all, the spirit governs the flesh is the belief widely held in Christendom. Your email address will not be published. It began mainly because of the lower cost and environmental impact, as traditional burials were more expensive and people in impoverished regions preferred to cremate, and it gradually became the norm. While cremation was common among Romans and Greeks, Christians soon started to bury their dead, just like the Jews had always done. Once you die your spirit will be with our Lord. forms: { The Bible does not make reference directly to cremation. My Mother is now in our original home state and my oldest brother recalls that when my parents were together, visiting them, living in Florida, they wanted to be buried there. Below are a few scriptures pertaining to the burning ofa body after death: As you may have noticed in the verses referenced here, someare auspicious, butothers seem unfavorable toward cremation. In cases of death and burial throughout the bible, the human body was treated with the utmost respect, and showed care and delicate treatment even in their death. We expect the resurrection of the body. The wishes of other close family members and friends should also be considered in any decision, because they are the ones who will live with the decision and with the memories. Many years ago, our pastor at that time gave his opinion on the question of being cremated. The new body of a Christian will be a radically changed and glorified body like the body of the exalted Christ. The Bibledoes not clearly define about cremationas a means to dispose of the dead. However, numerous Bible passages suggest that a persons physical body is essential for the resurrection. The Bible does not have any commands or laws against cremation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The Bible does not say that a cremated body cannot rise. To honor GOD who created us! The breath of life made him a living soul. James 5:16The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.. Cremation might give off the feeling that no one wants to associate with the dead, or even perform the burial rites on them, as it was reserved for those who died under unpleasant circumstances. He who lets Me in, I shall dine with him and him with Me. You can rest confidently knowing that you are safe in Christ and cremation wont change that. When people were first called Christians, they were referred to as such because they saw that their behavior was like that of Christ. In Matthew 27:52-53, Jesus is resurrected after being buried for three days and then coming out of his tomb. WebAt the resurrection, it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been cremated or buried. The Bible has many passages that speak of the bodily resurrection, mostly found in the New Testament. Or more than that, howGod feels aboutit? What does it mean "the dead in Christ shall rise first" if to be absent from the body is to be present with This idea is not a part of the Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead. If cremation were a part of salvation Jesus would have h it while on Earth the First Coming. To God be the Glory! Their bodies had been mutilated by the Philistines. Furthermore, the pagan belief emphasizes that burning tends to purify the spirit. There is no Biblical precedent for cremation. Its also not about destroying the dead body or spreading disease. } There are, however, biblical examples of how Christians were buried recorded in the Bible. The Jews believed it was a desecration to burn the bones because the Bible tells us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and is holy unto God. The Bible also says that Lazarus was raised from the dead (Luke 16:19-31). When someone wishes to be cremated, typically they are placed in a wooden or cardboard casket and placed in the chamber. There are two main ways the Scriptures indicate this. WebCremation is often practiced today in cultures that have no respect for the human body or see it as evil; Christians in those societies reject cremation. 10, 2014, 11:50 a.m. NEW! The bible does not outrightly approve or go against the idea of cremation; if anything, the idea further strengthens the notion that from dust, we have come, and to it, we shall return. But in our quest and furtherance to understand the word of God, we sometimes tend to overthink things and begin to question a thing or two about Him (Acts 36:8). The National Funeral Directors Associationexpects the trend shifting from burial toward cremation to continue over the next 20 years, with the projected rate of cremation reaching 78.8% of deaths by 2035. Yet, as Dr. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. Cremated bodies become part of the air and ash and buried bodies become part of the ground and plant life. There are, however, biblical examples of how Christians were buried recorded in the Bible. The children had no place to visit. However, there is no scriptural prohibition of cremation in the New Testament. Therefore, a cremated body would still be able to be resurrected. Whether burial or cremation best expresses that appropriate respect is a very personal decision. WebCremation is often practiced today in cultures that have no respect for the human body or see it as evil; Christians in those societies reject cremation. Also, most people were buried. The Catholic Church does not in any way forbid or recommend against cremation. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Historically speaking, the practice of cremation does have pagan roots. What does it mean "the dead in Christ shall rise first" if to be absent from the body is to be present with WebHere are some verses that may answer what does the Bible say about cremation KJV version: I Samuel 31:11-13: And when the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead heard of that which the Philistines had done to Saul; All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there. Many of the heathen nations around the Israelites traditionally cremated their dead. Local: 704-401-2432 God says when he returns he will raise our old bodies to know bodies in heaven. Is resurrection possible if cremated remains are scattered? WebWhen cremation was practiced in the Bible, it showed contempt of person as mentioned in Joshua 7:25. Some feel that its disrespectful or that it deprives the family of the sense of closure that comes from viewing the body in the casket. Because thats supposed to be the way of composition and decomposition according to biology. Fact: The Bible says that those who die return to the dust, which is what naturally happens to a corpse when it decomposes. WebAt the resurrection, it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been cremated or buried. These cremains are then placed in a plastic bag inside an urn and returned to the loved ones family. I agree, it helps me to be near what remains of my mother. Pray for peace in your familyand may each of you face the reality of death, and rejoice in the hope we have of eternal life because of Christs death and resurrection for us. So if he created all these wonderful things i am sure that he will remember us when that great day comes. The bible says the dead in Christ shall rise first, so something must be coming up out of the grave. ( Genesis 3: 19) Cremation speeds up the process by reducing the body to ashes, or dust. Some, like your husband, oppose cremation on biblical grounds. If Lazarus had been cremated, would he have been raised from dust? Mummification and embalming reigned notably amongst the Egyptians, while cremation was among those who practiced Judaism, which was part of the problem it first encountered as a mode of burial. Wow, what a painful process, some might think. By 1900 there were 20, 425 crematoriums by 1975, and by 2009 around 37% of people opted for cremation. The bone fragments are then placed on a table and all-metal debris such as pins, screws, titanium limbs, are removed by hand. This should be a non issue and conversation. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Solicitation Disclosure Statement Ultimately, it depends on the personal wishes of the deceased or, if no wishes were left, the feelings and preferences of those making decisions for their final arrangements. And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by whoring, profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire. There is no Biblical precedent for cremation. We were briefly shown the extent and not the peak of his power when he said in Ezekiel 37:7 that as Elijah prophesied as he was commanded, there was a noise and rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.. In parts of Europe during the middle ages, cremation was forbidden and punishable by death, especiallyif combined with Heathen rites. WebBible verses about Body Burning. WebThe Bible doesn't say anything about cremated bodies not rising. God is equally able to raise a persons remains that have been cremated as he is the remains of a person who was not cremated. This could be taken as evidence that a cremated body will not go to heaven, because it would have been burned up in the fire. In summary, the Bible does not explicitly state whether a cremated body can rise or not. The Church Handbook states, The family of the deceased person decides whether his or her body should be buried or cremated. Published: Jun. WebHere are some verses that may answer what does the Bible say about cremation KJV version: I Samuel 31:11-13: And when the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead heard of that which the Philistines had done to Saul; All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there. In Christianity, the belief in the resurrection and the afterlife is a crucial part of our faith and is not tied to the way the body is disposed of after death. Well i will say that it mentions in the bible that when we die that the body goes back to the ground and the spirit returns to God. I do not find it disrespectful at all because the spirit is what lives on eternally and of which we came into being in this physical body. In 2016, the Vatican issued definitive guidelines concerning cremation. Christians believe that all things are possible with God. 10, 2014, 11:50 a.m. NEW! It also doesnt dictate if a person should be buried or cremated. Ethics and Religion Talk. (Mark 13:27). claims the Bible says you cant go to heaven if youre cremated. It doesnt interfere with Gods ability to raise the dead. How does the Bible describe the glorified bodies we will possess in Heaven? Cremated bodies become part of the air and ash and buried bodies become part of the ground and plant life. The Bible does not explicitly say that bodies that have been cremated cannot rise, however, it does provide some evidence that suggests that a cremate body will be resurrected differently than that of a non-cremated body. Both run around $1,000 each. They respect the desires of the individual. } Archaeologists believe it has been practiced for thousands of years, far back as the stone ages. WebThe Bible does not say that a cremated body will rise in Heaven. Life exists in time and seasons; there is a time for everything under the sun, and as said in Ecclesiastes 3:2, there is a time to be born and a time to die. We all know the creation story about how God created everything in 7 days, but our searchlight would focus on the cremation of man. Joseph also had the bones of his father carried out of Egypt. And I do believe we are to honor it. There's no life in there at all, therefore cremation cannot result in someone going to hell!! WebFirst, the Bible doesnt forbid cremation. Join my email list to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. the body is a holy temple, and a persons soul will rise at the end of time if the body becomes cremains. WebHeres what the Bible says about cremation: Leviticus 20:14 and 21:9 If a man takes a woman and her mother also, it is depravity; he and they shall be burned with fire, that there may be no depravity among you. Nevertheless, many Christians believe that their bodies would be ineligible for resurrection if they are cremated. This was done, and there was no warning or rebuke from the Lord to the king for his action recorded in the bible; neither was it counted as a sin against him. However, it was sometimes used by the authorities as punishment for heretics. Cremation is an alternative to the widely accepted practice of burying the dead. Hello. To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. Genesis 3:19 - In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Dust? When God formed Adam from the dust it was just a created body that didnt move and was not alive until God blew the breath of life into Adams nostrils and he became a living soul. God is very specific about how a person becomes a are fa dies All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there. How does the Bible describe the glorified bodies we will possess in Heaven? Would that preclude them from resurrection? The Bible says that this body is sown in dishonor and will be raised in glory (1 Corinthians 15:43). So, it comes down to your personal choice as to whether you want to beburied or cremated. Will Graham Devotion: When My Grandfather Entered Heaven, 5 Reasons Christians Dont Have to Fear Death, Will Graham Offers a Word of Encouragement Amid Global Fears. Dust, ashes. Ultimately, it depends on the personal wishes of the deceased or, if no wishes were left, the feelings and preferences of those making decisions for their final arrangements. Where in the Bible is cremation mentioned? Your email address will not be published. I am not saying everyone should but it was healing for me. But God is able to bring together whatever has been scattered: And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens (Mark 13:27). Thanks for all the info and discussions. Christians hold a belief, one which is very important in Christianity; the resurrection power. "The Church raises no doctrinal objections to this practice, since cremation of the deceased's body does not affect his or her soul, nor does it prevent God, in his omnipotence, from raising up the deceased body to new life." After creating the human race, God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). Grand Rapids. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? 10, 2014, 11:50 a.m. NEW! Although theres no definitive answer in the bible, most religious leaders today will agree that it is ok. The new body of a Christian will be a radically changed and glorified body like the body of the exalted Christ. WebWhen the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together to Aaron and said to him, Up, make us gods who shall go before us. They were also influenced by biblical scripture, which instills a great respect for the human body. He explained that in the days of Jesus on earth, the people that were criminals were thrown in a fire to be burnt outside the city. The Israelites always buried their dead or put them in a tomb. The Bible does not explicitly say that bodies that have been cremated cannot rise, however, it does provide some evidence that suggests that a cremate body will be resurrected differently than that of a non-cremated body. The Christian tradition of cremation is not a sin. Romans 12: 1-2. As for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.. Just imagine for a second that Christ was cremated instead of being buried? Now that we have established where man comes from, we ask ourselves, where does he return? Bceefore the Second Coming, I plan on being cremated. God is equally able to raise a persons remains that have been cremated as he is the remains of a person who was not cremated. At the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been buried or cremated. Nevertheless, there were certain instances where the cremation of the dead still took place. Many of the heathen nations around the Israelites traditionally cremated their dead. Believers of this philosophy know that God is all-powerful, so it stands to reason that he can raise a cremated body just as quickly as a decomposed and disintegrated body from the ground. The remains are kept in a container (most commonly an urn) handed to their loved ones, to which they can dispose of as they wish or according to the wish of the dead. A person or a family considering this issue should pray for wisdom ( James 1:5) and follow the conviction that results. The question of burial or cremation is within the realm of Christian freedom. The early Christians practiced this; as witches, people with unclean spirits, or those who had committed abominations were burnt at the pyre. Some feel that its disrespectful or that it deprives the family of the sense of closure that comes from viewing the body in the casket. As highlighted above, we have grown to know in modern Christianity that cremation was a disposition reserved for the ills and societal rejects, hence the burning of witches and many more who have been convicted of certain evil, whereas that does not offer any validation as to why saints should not take it. I just wanted to clear up some wrong I formation in your website. Ultimately, it depends on the personal wishes of the deceased or, if no wishes were left, the feelings and preferences of those making decisions for their final arrangements. Not a financial decision my decision. However, some Christians believe that the dead rise from the dead. He said to another man, Follow me. But the man replied, Lord, first let me go and bury my father. Jesus said to him, Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God. There is nothing but remains. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. How Can I Know for Sure Ill Go to Heaven? You can rest confidently knowing that you are safe in Christ and cremation wont change that. I believe we come in whole we should go out whole. I believe God and Jesus and the holy sprit guide us if we ask,Ask and you shall recieve,at the time of the writings there were many more places than available now we have no caves or tombs here , but my parents are buried in the ground but my son wannted to be cremated as his newborn daughter was and his wife will be they want to stay together as a Family, I see no ignoring of God. Just saying. Ive been kinda wondering about this subject myself. What have Ive done? Should Christians be cremated? They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. It also gave the further option of not having to spend much more on coffins, pallbearers and all, and if one is relocating, you can take the ashes of your loved ones with you for any reason, be it sentimental or not. By Billy Graham Asides from cases of emergencies, cremation is still widely practiced in some countries of the world, most notably India, due to their practice of Hinduism and Buddhism. Its also not about destroying the dead body or spreading disease. God has the power to bring you up from the ground any way he wants,ashes or a rotten body , we should not cause strife over words , God is in charge and will do as he wishes, if he can create me from the dirt so he can from my ashes. It doesnt give an avenue for the loved ones to correctly say their goodbyes, and the burning might prove a terrible sight for them. Bottom line: As C.S. callback: cb If your Mother has the ability to answer this question I would first ask her. This could be taken as evidence that a cremated body will not go to heaven, because it would have been burned up in the fire. A traditional funeral can often cost around $8,000 to $10,000 while the average cost of cremation is $1,500 to $2,500. WebWhen cremation was practiced in the Bible, it showed contempt of person as mentioned in Joshua 7:25. The Catholic Church treats I think it was St. Joan of Arc as a Saint. Some of these methods are particular to a tribe or region. It comforts me to visit, bring flowers, . Well also look at the Christian and Catholic perspectives, and mention key perspectives from prominent figures such as Billy Graham. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. WebAt the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been buried or cremated. Rightly so, because the above cases were all one form or the other, that was void of dignity and resulted from an act of shamelessness. 2023 BGEA My Soul leaves my body goes Heaven. WebCremation was not practiced on both Lazarus and Jesus' body, as they were placed in the ground upon death (John 11, 12:17, Matthew 27, Mark 15, etc.). I know the graves will open up when the Lord comes back for his church. Therefore, the fact that a body has been cremated would not prevent Him from resurrecting us. This does not necessarily mean that cremation is not an acceptable method of burial. I think if God didnt us to be cremated, then he would have firmly expressed it in scriptures, or even in the commandments . There is a compelling story that may ease your mind, which includes words spoken by Jesus in Luke 9:59-60. FatherGod. I Dont visit my loved ones remains but I remember them daily, and keep their memory deep within. Misconception: In Bible times, only people in Gods disfavor were burned after death. The reasons for burial. Its understandable that many people are confused about the Catholic Churchs views on cremation. Also, in Ecclesiastes 6:3, the bible says that it is better for a man not to be born than to have no burial.. To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. Have established where man comes from, we ask ourselves, where does he return definitive guidelines concerning cremation was. 2009 around 37 % of people opted for cremation, some might.! Formation in your website spirit governs the flesh is the belief widely held Christendom! A part of the ground when we die, but they will be a radically changed and glorified like. Doesnt dictate if a person or a family considering this issue should pray for wisdom ( James ). Time gave his opinion on the question of being cremated carried out of the dead saw that their was... 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