Thank you Lord, Thank You Lord. I agree that it can help us learn and reinforce concepts; However, it can also become hypnotic. And behind you, and beside you. It would be like my son claiming a promise that my father gave to me when I was his age, that is not how specific promises work. Genesis 6:8 - But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. If so, is my focus on God, or is it on what He gives me? Bible Verses about God's Favor and Blessings Isaiah 58:11-12. There is plenty to choose from! Therefore it could not be anything else but a song about mans speciality or entitlement to Blessings i.e self adolatery & false euphoric emotional abuse,coupled with easily equally applicable to any false god worship. Is the LORD the unbelievers shepherd in their unrepentant, sinful state? We get it!! if this is so then the blessing is for us too. If this song were sung by the pastoral team or just the worship team as a blessing at the end of service I believe that is its proper context. Listen: Our entire being, not just corporeal but our actions, our thoughts, our choices, our very nature, is worship because we are one with Christ, because we are indwelt by the living God where our very hearts have become the most holy place where God sits. It will ruin you & transform you at the same time, as the faithfulness of God dawns on our unbelieving dark corners. May you revel in His amazing love on your birthday. Can you explain how an overall 9.5/10 rating is condemning a song entirely derived from Gods own book? And each and every time i listen to it. Such a powerful description of what Gods blessing can be. Psalm 5:12 (NIV) "Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.". It has been used continuously in Jewish and Christian worship for over 3300 years as a blessing for Gods people. Non water-proof fabric. . Another commenter to a different song mentioned that they use repetition to help others learn a new song, then slowly reduce it over time. But when it comes to gospel or worship or biblical. Amen, Vince. Id rather listen to Good Good Father on repeat. Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,Be fruitful, and multiply, -Friends of the world are Gods enemy (James 4:4) Coming up is the anniversary of the death of our son six years ago. I wont be posting anymore But welcome your reply be blessed brother and I love you. When they get there, God is going to drive away (through the Israelites) the nations that live there. He loves his followers and holds them up high. It does not glorify God in his holiness. but its another to sing a blessing over. To receive His gift of favor upon your life you must believe it. Great question! I agree wholeheartedly. Ive been fascinated by this song since the first time I heard it. Praise is all that is on my mind during this. What you are doing here is very important in todays world where there is so much noise and confusion in and around Christian music. If the message is Gods law and gospel, we must proclaim it and let the Holy Spirit sort out the rest. I first heard it when I needed to hear that message repeated many times. Great question! The repetition in this song conveys my sense of urgency to have God truly bless my children not with possessions, wealth, or fame but Himself. These comments say this song is all about Me. That it is selfish and self absorbed. It seems it only appears in the New Testament at all on the lips of Jesus, in shorthand as he blesses his disciples or says Peace to you (e.g. I dont mind the repetition of this song. It is a gift. Should not the entire worship service be a time of bringing blessing to all the people. There are plenty of other spaces for such deliberation. It is the government that grants these protections known as copyright law to artists, translators, and other individuals. I dont Know how others feel about repetitions but for me its a handy thing to make the word built strong inside me. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. We are still children of the age of rationalism. Most often not due to reverentially to God, but rather by way of applying the words to your own lifes circumstances, which cause your fake spiritual euphoric moment. Post-Bridge Three times, with the same phrase repeating six times on the first iteration and eight times on the next two. I urge you, during the repeats, to change it to first person. And then over more of my extended family. Surely then they wil more willingly turn from their evil way! By webster definition, thats called mantra, and Jesus specifically warned against that. It was specifically meant for his church, I believe. It isnt that this is what people want, but emotional outlets are what people need. Yes, they used scripture to write the song. Vince I think your response is very well said. Its difficult to say if I would be the same person as I am today when I finally meet Jesus in His Kingdom. The song is simple..anyone can sing it and give glory to God as they do. Jim Bomar: I agree with Stephan Briton, I have teach children & youth for 40 year and have always believed that the message God spoke to Jerusalem in Isaiah 28 means there is some lessons about him that can only be learned through the patient prodding of repetition. Comfort to all, Maggie. It appears to be an encouraging word set to music. In one sense, it is given away. Having already gained some discernment, you can more easily divide right from false teaching[ And yet sometimes still get it wrong]. I know what its like to lose a son. NO,EAT HEALTHY! Gods favor and blessings go beyond us, far exceeding our wildest imaginations! This brings it home even more powerfully and personally for me. One such verse is Psalm 30:5 (ESV): "For his anger lasts but for a moment, and his favor for a lifetime. May the hand of God be with you. I do have a question about the lyrics that I wonder if you can help me understand- and am curious and not intending to criticize the song. I normally wont concentrate on lyrics when im listening to any other secular music. I do believe it is an appropriate song to sing with believers in order to provide a blessing e.g. "Jesus Loves Me" by Willam B. Bradbury Jesus loves me! The first time I heard this song it was evident that it was almost scripture verbatim, which I very much appreciated and enjoyed the way it was presented through the music and melody. Psalm 80:3,7 Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. It is of note that most people dont sing with and many are uncomfortable with it. I know that historically hard and fearful times have caused believers to draw themselves closer to God. May His Favor Be Upon You | Wood Christian Wall Art $89.90 $44.95 Save 50% Shipping calculated at checkout. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. I am not at all disregarding emotions as the Bible teaches us to Love our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind.. If we think, having heard the words once through, we get it perhaps we havent perhaps to go deeper takes time, perhaps seeking takes time and yes repetition until the truth of the scripture really captivates our spirit beyond our mind.. It is totally fine that someone gets super irritated by repetition. I do appreciate the work put in to note all those Scripture passages! holy, holy, holy is highly acceptable, not to mention Biblical! God remembered Rachel, then opened her womb. UPPERROOM (Feat. Deuteronomy 28:2, ESV And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God.Read More: Bible Verses about Obedience and Disobedience Matthew 6:33, NLT Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously . Day and night THEY NEVER stop saying: Holy, holy, holy I think it is intended to be heard by any who will receive it. Raised in the faith, King David knew God brought mighty action when He remembered someone or something. But, a lot of people (including myself) have concerns about how songs might lead unbelievers in the wrong direction. We shouldnt either. But to be sung by everyone in a time where it is thought that were bringing glory to God I believe it is out of its proper context. But Hey, some indeed are already Heavenly tourist and what not, so why not. 1 Peter. I First check it whether it is completely biblical or not. Thank you Michael. Who are we worshipping when we sing it? I dont mind the words being repeated over and over again. God isnt really concerned if our theology is correct. Gods message of the blessing through Moses was given to His people, not to outsiders. Prayer Verses. . Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof. I agree. He sought forgiveness and received it. Unfortunately, there is a staff member who likes to play it for his devotions with the patients. When this Psalm is read in its context (and exclusively in its context) one could legitimately say, 1) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life unaccompanied by anything else suggests that God is pleased with unrepentant sinners as they are, who neither know, love, nor follow him (I substituted the Words from verse 6 in the place of He is for you in the original quote). In summary, I believe that a score of 2 out of 10 in section 3 is overly harsh. Remember me, O my God, for good. May it continue to grow and provide you with God pleasing conversation and connections as well as a good reason to keep on searching scripture. In closing; The song is not all just bad, just mostly & a true discerning Christian within Christian context, can find assurance & some solace there-in, as any other false religion would be able to. Of course not! Make His face shine upon you. In your weeping and you rejoicing. Copyrights are meant to protect against it. Luke 24:50-51; John 14:27; John 20:19). Day and night, they never stop singing holy,holy,holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was ,who is, and who is to come- Rev. Prayers Points To Conceive This Year. This song isnt about me. It is not a worship song. Ive been wrestling with this song because I dont know if it should be classed as a worship song. One may wonder if per say this review is contributing to assist leading young immature Christians away from truth & on the flip side, is it doing everything it can, to lead the lost or seeking listeners to Christ? SDA Hymnal. Thank you for your comments! Artists work hard to produce music and lyrics. It is the elevation of self or self blessing. It gives you a sense of my thought process and how I score songs. Since God is so generous with His enemies, then we should be as well. Its not my intent to keep unbelievers from learning more. Rather, Scripture says the opposite: Little in this song applies to unbelievers until they turn from their wickedness and trust in Jesus. ASK YOURSELF IF SATAN PHYSICALLY IS STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU, PITCHING SELLING ETERNAL DEATH, WITH 99.9% OF TEMPORILY FUN CANDY ARE YOU ONE OF THEM WHO WILL ACCEPT IT ? Also let me say this song is a wonderful song!! This is worship ministering to God. Not all of us are called, or privileged, to have children, but consider that your powerful witness and testimony may carry out Gods favor and blessing upon generations and generations. Both artists are incredibly talented. Thank you, Norma. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Like a declaration. This is a beautiful song (thoughts and opinions of Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe and Elevation aside), but IMO, this song does not belong in church. -God opposed the proud (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5) Track: The Blessing (Live) (listen to the song), Artist: Elevation Worship (Feat. Yes, Jesus loves me! As to your observation Unbelievers wont miss the message the first time, much less the second or third. All rights reserved. And be gracious to. For those who felt it was overly repetitive, consider shifting the focus from a blessing over you, to a blessing offered to others and see if perhaps you might follow the same path to the presence of the Lord. So does the blessing pronounced over Moses-era Israel even have any application to us at all? Its one thing hearing/listening into such a blessing (and hopefully being drawn to enquire further!) Thats the beautiful thing about God, He speaks to each of us in a personal way, one that we can hear. His LOVEJesus is love. So, Im not sure how far your argument goes. [May] the Lord bless you and keep you, Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you May His presence go before you, And behind you, and beside you In your weeping and your rejoicing, He is with you May His favor be upon [our nation], for a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children. This canvas is built with a solid face to prevent sagging or warping but is light as feather and offers easy hassle free installation with the included hanging hardware. If they did, they would be blessed to the thousandth generation (Deut. [ Speaking as a general rule ]. And in Luke 23:39-43, one of the criminals crucified with Christ Jesus begged Jesus to remember him in heaven. Strong affections for God rooted in truth are the bone and marrow of biblical worship. Psalm 31:16 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake. Although I largely agree with your comments about Elevations teachings, in the future, lets stay on topic and discuss the lyrical content without bringing in artist personal beliefs and theology into the discussion. 03/15/2021 Updated per repetition announcement. In your weeping, and rejoicing. My advice is to take the meat and throw away the bones. So . May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children and their children May His favor be upon you . I dont believe Christians should be afraid to quote scripture in order to avoid confusion by outsiders. Satan is always 90% right and 10% wrong think about the deception of Eve in the garden. However I accept that it is their way of getting my attention.. Sometimes I think in our desire to be sensitive to what God wants from us we over complicate things and neglect the truth of the Holy Spirits role to will and to work in you for his good pleasure. Concern over man-centered song worship has its place, but song worship is only a snippet of whole worship, or as Paul calls it, true and proper worship offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Have you ever been in a position where your life appears to be stuck in neutral, with doors that obstinately refuse to move regardless of your attempts to Bible Verses Quotes. God is the one to enjoy our praise for it is unto Him, not, we get it wrong often that we need to enjoy a song but in truth, we are to put God first. Translators work hard to transliterate and translate the Bible. We should not forget He has told us He is a jealous God jealous for us desires a relationship with each and every one of us and when we remind Him, He knows that we are thinking about that relationship, that we remember how important it is to us, that we are resetting it above our recent previous thoughts and actions, and that we love Him. Additionally, I find that repetition is the key to effectual learning. Something Beautiful Today's Scripture: And there is none that calleth upon thy name,that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee:for thou hast hid thy face This would also be akin to Christs command to render unto Caeser what is Caesers (implied peacefully) and also Pauls instruction to Timothy: First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, 2for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. Im listening to it repeatedly. I am not a fan of repetition. (Deut 7:12-16) If the Israelites follow Gods commands, he will bless them and multiply them. Psalm 136 His love endures forever, repeats at the end of each verse, twenty-six verses, twenty-six times. To use a really bad metaphor, Its kind of like Costco or Sams club everybody understands that you have to join the club (so to speak) to get the benefits. Good review! We usually favor people who also favor us. May His favor be upon you. Yeah I hear you Jeff. Good thoughts, but I disagree on one major point. We somehow start to believe that it all depends on "us." But true worship comes from people who are deeply emotional and who love deep and sound doctrine. Prayer For Blessing And Favor I imagine a lot of that came from being aligned with the Lord in his desire to bless his people. Thus the repetition of the blessings as well as the amens. This song has been on repeat since the day I downloaded Blessings are given as God sees fit, through grace so no person can boast. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thank you for your comment! I heard that the pastor of Elevation church (Steven Furtick) felt that God was speaking this blessing over his church and wanted his congregation to receive it, so he sat down in a room with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes and wrote this song for his church. I dont think of it as much for the New Testament Christian, though it is entirely applicable. The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace. As for repetition, Messiah, by Handel, is one of the most repetitious songs in history. and those who see it as a blessing, reinforcement, and helpful. I think only believers receive the type of blessings they are proclaiming and would sing amen. So I assume theyre addressing believers, but it could be unclear. Thanks for those who commented and shared their opinions on this. I agree about the excessive repetition, although I think ones response to that can change with age, with younger people often wanting a more emotional, intense encounter and those who are a bit older wanting more actual content. Numbers 6:25: The LORD make His face to shine upon you. Your perception and replies are so mature and absolutely Christlike. BEFORE READING & SORRY FOR MY THESIS . But dont make a law out of that or condescend on someone who finds it to be refreshing and healing and vice versa. Something more to chew on! I am sorry to hear about your tragedy. I like your helpful analysis, particularly your explanation of how The Blessing links to scripture. We are called to be bereans and fruit inspectors and I will personally not partake in messages or worship that supports heretical teachings even if they may sound biblical. This side of Heaven looking up proclaiming speciality whilst shrouded in sin, Apostleship & even Angelic equivalency as some posted here in example, notwithstanding & ignorantly discarding the impossibilities there-off. BTW. I consider The Berean Test a hobby; a place to express my opinions about Christian lyrics. Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people. As for being gracious to us We all need this indeed! I agree with you, except for the well intended part. CCLI #: 7147007. [19] Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. Love this song! Perhaps Im missing what you are trying to say, but it seems like either Unbelievers wont miss the message the first time, much less the second or third. I agree with this. As for my personal comment, when talking about The Blessing My two cents are we may not know what the blessings from God look like when we ask Him to intercede on behalf of others, so dont fear in praying this over people believers or even pre-believers!! However, unbelievers will probably get the wrong idea, thinking God approves of their sinful lifestyle. I listen and weep and soak . However, they will also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. I think that it is overstating the case by saying that they WILL BE lead astray., This song is replete with its declaration of the goodness of God. Number 6:24-27 was given to Moses by God for the priests to speak OVER Israel so that they might bear His name well. As to the repetition, sometimes you need 3,4,5 times before your heart opens enough to get it. A parent can have many children but only one is the firstborn. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Welcome to The Berean Test and thank you for your comment! A second Biblical example of God's grace or favor can be found in 2 Timothy 2:1, where the Apostle Paul told his student Timothy, "You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." Here, and in many other places in the Scriptures, God's grace gave the beneficiary the ability or strength to do something they . We cannot know anyones heart but our own. Yesss! As I have asked before on other topics, if the Holy Spirit, when writing Psalm 23 through David, did not see fit to explain the blessings, love, and care that God has, is it fair to hold the songwriter to a higher standard? All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. It is our job to proclaim Gods word and it is the Holy Spirits job to give understanding, faith, and discernment to those who God calls. 2020 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Capitol CMG Paragon / Writers Roof Publishing, Worship Together Music / Kari Jobe Carnes Music To God be the glory!! For believers who are under a new, better covenant brought about by a greater, better Prophet, fulfilled by a final, best Lamb, why sing about blessings that God promised to a people under a different covenant as though they apply to us? Although the song is scriptural, it relies heavily on repetition that in my context elicits a cultural animistic mystical response. Agree? So some of the comments about receiving a blessing for ourselves over and over I certainly get. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. In that agrarian society, good weather was all-important. Heres the essence of my concern about the message, copied from my plea to the producers: in its present form the message quite unintentionally I am sure dangerously misleads the lost as to their spiritual standing before a holy God by insisting and repeating, without qualification, He is for you., Of course Godloves all people (Psalm 145:9), Jesus came to save sinners, not condemn, we all agree on that, but is his message to lost sinners one of affirmation only?. The same time, as the faithfulness of God dawns on our dark. 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Was Jimmy Dillon, A Real Person, Twice The Difference Of 7 And A Number, Times Leader Property Database, Not Letting Family Hold Newborn, Celebrities Who Hate Blackpink, Articles M