These qualities endeared it to many readers, including Anne of Green Gables, the poem's most famous (though fictional) fangirl. It was directed by Henry King and starred Richard Harris as the highwayman and Anne Baxter as Bess. The Poetry of Alfred Noyes., Alfred Noyes Papers: An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University. Did the highway men ever come? Her house the one who burned yellow night and day, in any weather (5-8). Repetition is evident when it comes to the word 'moonlight,' which can be found in sets of three in five different stanzas. Key Themes in "The Highwayman": The major themes of this poem are love, courage, and sacrifice. Picaresque: The picaresque novel was a subgenre of fiction that focused on the exploits of highwaymen and other such outlaws. The poem comprises the infinite love of the highwayman and his beloved. Plug this speaker into the back of your mobile VHF or ham radio and position the audio for greater clarity and louder sound. He says he shall be telling his story with a sigh once the time is right. A Synopsis of The Highwayman The poem expresses the highwayman's undying love for his lady. Alfred Noyes wrote the screenplay for The Highwayman. They have tied a musket to her breast, a horrible thing to do, which suggests that they intend her death, one way or the other. Finally, the poem shows how much both men loved women because even after the highwayman dies, Bess keeps her vow to him. Soto uses the motif throughout the poem and he uses it a second time as he leaves the store Outside, A few cars hissing past, Fog hanging like old Coats between the trees(44-47). I think this clarify the theme because since the author had so many memories on their street and now its a memory but to them it appear like, The setting of this poem is in a rural part of an unnamed Southern state, off of Highway 96 at Cherrylog Road. What is the theme of the poem "Red Rover"? Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. The Poem The Poet by Tom Wayman is a poem that takes the reader through the physical characteristics of your average poet. He calls them "red-coats" and "King George's men." This lets us know for sure that we are somewhere in England (or at least the UK). To save this word, you'll need to log in. and they kissed her. succeed. The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor. )Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the west.PART TWO. The film version was released in 1950 by 20th Century-Fox. Well, according to the speaker in the poem "Nebraska," written by Bruce Springsteen, "there's just a meanness in . His plan was to rob the rich and come back at the old inn at midnight. The speaker,a young man, takes a stroll along a road. The path would negatively impact his future. Nebraska is a dramatic monologue, which is a subgenre of poem that by residing somewhere in between lyric and dramatic poetry can teach us more about both, according to the Introduction to Literature textbook. There are no big scares in this poem, but the whole thing has a spooky vibe, helped along by that moonlight that shows up everywhere. At sunset, the king's soldiers come to the inn, looking for the highwayman. The second foot is a quieter pyrrhic (no stresses), whilst the third is an amphibrach, with the stress on the middle syllable. The highway man seeks his kiss but can't reach up. Yet still she persists, right to midnight, and at last manages to free one finger and touch the trigger of the musket. She stood up, straight and still. The movie version was not very popular at the time but has gained popularity over the years. For example: Stanza 6 (II) : Had they heard it? Accessed 1 Mar. This idea is reinforced by the repetition of and as well as the listing effect which creates a sense of routine. Identify 3 details that make the Highwayman appear a romantic and dashing figure. The entirety of the The Poet consists of a list of 14 descriptors that could be used to describe the typical poet. Their souls, however, reconnect after death. The Highwayman has iambic/anapaestic hexameter (sometimes called the alexandrine, with 6/7 stresses) in the long lines of each stanza, and the shorter lines are mostly iambic/trochaic trimeter/tetrameter (2/3/4 stresses). They tell the highwayman they'll help him find work, but he doesn't want any. Another is the inn, representing safety, quiet and comfort where love is easily created. They aren't really purple of course, but the night and the moonlight must be making them look that way. Finally, it proves that forgiveness is an important part of love. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. These soldiers are laughing, they are cruel - being merry on alcohol they probably don't realise the terror involved? When she hears, at last, the highwayman's horse, she shoots herself to warn him of the soldiers' trap. 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes is a dramatic tale of love, death, and romance, popularized by its Romantic style and critique of modernism. A few other symbols are the moonlight, representing secrecy and hiding. He places flowers on her grave every day as a sign of respect and loves her still. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Alfred Noyes wrote at a time when the rules about the form and content of poetry were changing, but you wouldn't know that from reading his work. The sound of the horse's hooves approaching the inn over the. But the ladies laugh and say, "You're just too old! It was written by English poet John Keats (1795-1821). So the highwayman agrees . The theme of the Highwayman is definitely centered around love and sacrifice. All these lines tell us is that he's riding up to the old door of an inn. They especially emphasize the repetitive rhythm of his "riding--riding--riding." For example: Stanza 5 (II) :She strove no more for the rest. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. . These are the king's men, George III's soldiers. He taps, then whistles for his beloved Bess. She hears the highwayman riding up the hill. They drink the landlords Al, then, they tied his daughter up. He can smell her perfume. This poem has underlying and straight forward themes depicted about change. The genre of this poem seems to be a romance, but like Romeo and Juliet, the poem is a tragedy in the end. VI.Tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot! The setting is 18th century England in the time of King George III. One of them ends up killing himself, showing that love can be very painful if you don't know what you're getting into. During a poetry unit, many high school students have read the words, Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. These are the opening lines to The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, a famous poem included in his collection Mountain Interval. Bess can see out of the casement the road the highwayman will travel. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! On a stormy night, a highwayman (that is, a man who makes a living by robbing the wealthy on open roads) rides boldly up to an inn. On hearing the shot, he turns around, and he rides away. The language of 'The Highwayman' is rich and vivid. VIII.He turned. The poet uses strong imagery, much repetition, rhythm and full rhyme to reinforce the storyline. What are your views on the poem? Everyone can read poems, but we sometimes analyze it differently. Given, Philip Lombard. The lovers' mutual sacrifice is described in intense, Romantic language. He kisses her hair (which is in waves) then gallops off into the night. Red is the symbol of blood. She doesn't have to struggle with the knots any longer; she stays quiet so the soldiers can't hear. How many stanzas are there in The Highwayman? She loves to read and write about all sorts of things: from personal experience to cultural insights. [4] It makes use of vivid imagery to describe surroundings ("the road was a gipsy's ribbon, looping the purple moor - ") and repetitious phrases to emphasise action ("A red-coat troop came marching - marching - marching -"). . Violet, the main character, suffers through a malfunction in her feed that changes the way she sees her society. II.He'd a French cocked-hat on his forehead, a bunch of lace at his chin,A coat of the claret velvet, and breeches of brown doe-skin.They fitted with never a wrinkle. Position this speaker behind your transmitter and the sound will be louder and clearer, even in noisy environments. It is clear that section 9 War and Peace is the most effective. Hannah Hall is a freelance writer and editor with a passion for words. For example: 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. When he reaches up to touch his lover's hair, Noyes describes his face as 'burning like a torch.'. He also fell in love several times but never married or had children. The poems in this section will resonate with you for a lifetime. The highwayman tells Bess that he's going out to make a robbery, but should be back before morning. 'The Highwayman' suggested itself to me one blustery night when the sound of the wind in the pines gave me the first line." A galleon is a big old ship, the kind that would have carried Spanish gold across the seas. Is The Walrus and the Carpenter a ballad? Noyes frequently uses alliteration, such as the phrase "ghostly galleon", and also uses refrains in each stanza. Strangely, or logically, Tim is only mentioned once, in the fourth stanza, but his role appears to be pivotal. The horsehoofs. Well, according to the speaker in the poem Nebraska, written by Bruce Springsteen, theres just a meanness in this world (24). Love and courage are important concepts in "The Highwayman" that often appear together in poems. Pauses in a line, where the reader stops momentarily, usually through punctuation. This time, Soto displayed the, How would you feel if someone could control what you were thinking? A Synopsis of The Highwayman The poem expresses the highwayman's undying love for his lady. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 answer choices. Scoll down for more information about this item. Login to your account or create one, to see what QSO Rewards are waiting for you! Identity can not only be shaped and defined by the environment but also can be affected by the dialect and culture. They drank his ale instead.But they gagged his daughter, and bound her, to the foot of her narrow bed.Two of them knelt at her casement, with muskets at their side!There was death at every window;And hell at one dark window;For Bess could see, through her casement, the road that he would ride. When released from prison, the highwayman goes straight to Bess's house where she lives. Many people now say that it is one of the best films about the highwayman story. Other actors include John Mills, Patricia Hitchcock, and Ralph Michael. The Highwayman (Hungry Horse): Evening meal & Breakfast - See 457 traveler reviews, 76 candid photos, and great deals for Dunstable, UK, at Tripadvisor. redcoats harass him. The Regency? by tapping on the window with his whip and whistled a tune. When she refuses, he kills himself rather than live without her. These soldiers are a law unto themselves. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The setting is 18th century England in the time of King George III. The women protest but their husbands hold them back, saying, "You can't go around breaking into people's houses! by Walt Whitman | Context, Analysis & Examples, The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde | Overview & Summary, A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry | Summary, Themes & Analysis, The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson | Summary & Analysis, A Scandal in Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Themes, Characters & Analysis, Two Friends by Guy de Maupassant | Summary & Analysis, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre | History, Facts & Timeline, The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe | Summary & Analysis, A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield | Summary, Themes & Characters. II.They said no word to the landlord. War poetry is harsh and to the point. The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door. Every stanza of the poem includes repetition, which builds suspense and atmosphere. Over the Cobbles he CLattered and CLashed in the dark inn-yard, ALLITERATION. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. However, due to social norms of the time, they cannot marry. Speaker By the end of the poem, it's clear that "The Highwayman" is a ghost story, and we think the speaker of this poem tells it like that. Her face was like a light.Her eyes grew wide for a moment; she drew one last deep breath,Then her finger moved in the moonlight,Her musket shattered the moonlight,Shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him-with her death. Sketch the front, top, and side views of this object. The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas. He sets the tone (probably whispering) with all that stuff about darkness and galleons and moonlight. They drink the landlord's ale without asking for permission. He promises her that, even if he has to go on the run, he'll return to her the next night: I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way! The red coats are ready to shoot. Influenced by giants of the iamb and anapaest Rudyard Kipling and Edgar Allan Poe, Noyes first published 'The Highwayman' in Blackwood's Magazine, August 1906, and later it appeared in his book Forty Singing Seamen, 1907. Tim hears all this.He must be both heart-broken and furiously jealous. Noyes also uses rich, figurative language. What is the main theme of the highwayman? Were they deaf that they did not hear?Down the ribbon of moonlight, over the brow of the hill,The highwayman came riding-Riding-riding-The red coats looked to their priming! Examine the structure and substance of Alfred Noyes' poem "The Highwayman," concentrating on the issue of love and marriage. She kills herself for love. "The Highwayman" uses hexameter that mixes iambs and anapaests. The highwayman seeks a kiss from Bess, just the one, because he has business to attend to out on the road, robbing people. However, the author predicts that he took the wrong path. The Highwayman was written by British poet and author Alfred Noyes. They tie Bess to her narrow bed and gag her (put something in her mouth to prevent her from speaking and crying out). The very first line of the poem, One day soon hell tell her its time to start packing, supports the inevitable change that no one else has a say in except the man. You've finished the lesson, now you should set a goal to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. However, despite not having any money, he managed to live a very exciting life. This poem was written by Thomas Gray who was an English poet born on April 20th, 1667. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. He goes there to meet his lover, Bess, the landlord's daughter. In The first stanza of the Highwayman what was occurring? A Synopsis of The Highwayman The poem expresses the highwayman's undying love for his lady. Highwayman. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, All rights reserved. Ever wonder why a villain behave like a villain? The question becomes how Douglass creates himself through his narrative and how it compares to Whitmans self in his poem. Poems The Highwayman Alfred Noyes - 1880-1958 Part I The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor, And the highwayman came riding Ridingriding The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door. As a Representative of Love: The speaker describes a highwayman who falls in love with Bess, a landlord's daughter. The poem, set in 18th-century rural England, tells the story of an unnamed highwayman who is in love with Bess, a landlord's daughter. says one young man, "What will be left for me?" What, for example, was the Baroque style of dress? This is conveyed through the mother choosing to ignore the children and packing aimlessly almost as if shes following a routine. He tries to win her heart but she loves another man. Bess is in agonies of suspense. The speaker of this poem opens strong, with three big metaphors all in a row. "When the road was gypsy's ribbon, looping the purple more, a redcoat troop came marching marching, marching, King Georges men came marching up the old Inn door.". This is quite a sensual scene. Keats chose to publish the poem under a pseudonym because he didn't want his father to know how successful he had become. She's to look out for his return. 'The Highwayman' is a lyrical ballad of 17 stanzas with a rhyming narrative, swift-moving rhythms and full romantic imagery. Noyes mimics sound in several ways. This poem is a love poem dedicated to the landlords daughter, in the poem the reader sees a act of true love and sacrifice. His coat of 'claret velvet' recalls rich wine. It also shows how easy one may accept death for the sake of love. However, Bess calls him her "sweetheart" and they swear an oath before God that they will stay true to one another forever. Here is a list of examples of poems written by William Shakespeare that include images related to The Highwayman: 1 Romeo and Juliet. One way is through onomatopoeia, or words that look like the sounds they make, like the 'Tlot-tlot' of the highwayman's horse on the road and another description of a rider and horse in the courtyard: Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed. Delivered to your inbox! Look for me by moonlight; Watch for me by moonlight; I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way! then they were planning to use best as bait and make her watch them kill the Highwayman. The tragic end and ghostly appearance of the two lovers is a popular ploy. He has been working in the publishing industry for over 10 years and his favorite thing about his job is that every day brings something new to work on, whether it be author interviews, social media trends or just finding the perfect quote to use in an article. The fourth shorter line is a trimeter, 8 syllables, with an anapaest leading foot. William McFeely suggests that Frederick Douglass, like Walt Whitman, has written a Song of Myself with his slave narrative. One moose, two moose. Only at dawn does he hear of her death, of how she waited for his return and shot herself so that he might live on. IV.And dark in the dark old inn-yard a stable-wicket creakedWhere Tim the ostler listened. "The Highwayman" was published four years after his death. Note the use of the word jewel, which represents wealth and status, and twinkle, related to cheekiness (twinkle in the eye). ", The next night the highwayman comes again, but this time he brings a wife. The speaker, on an impulse, decides to be daring, and take the road less traveled upon. So the highwayman prepares to kill himself when an officer intervenes and takes him prisoner. Each of the descriptive phrases seems to be negative towards the unknown poet that he is talking about. The speaker must recognize what can be gained and lost by each individual road and the choice to follow it. 3 Being in love can give one's life purpose. To pin down to a central theme, loss of identity can be observed. This doesn't bode well for the lovers. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. Even though he died young, he lived such a full life that they say he "got away with it". What is the poem about? The writer uses description when they was leaving their street they described how it was leaving their street. Noyes was a critic of Modernism, with its experimentation with poetic form and content. [3], "The Highwayman" is reputed to be "the best ballad poem in existence for oral delivery". Their love is pure and strong. .Most poetry of this genre is based around the topic of World War One and World War Two. The Highwayman was written by British poet and author Alfred Noyes. They're overheard by an inn servant, Tim, who is also in love with Bess. In the Middle Ages, there were plenty of outlaws ready to rob travelers. Soon, he is shot down in his blood on the highway. What different types of weapons did the Highwayman bring? Love our brand? Not for him the free verse of the modernists, which he hated, he much preferred keeping rhyme and rhythm and simplicity to the fore. Betrayed to the authorities by Tim, a jealous ostler, the highwayman escapes ambush when Bess sacrifices her life to warn him. Bess now faces a life or death situation. Be the first to ask a question about this. In the final stanza, the ghosts of the lovers meet again on winter nights. Highwayman, Oswestry: See 409 unbiased reviews of Highwayman, rated 3.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #23 of 125 restaurants in Oswestry. In 1995 it was voted 15th in the BBC's poll for "The Nation's Favourite Poems".[2]. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. He was very well-dressed and super fancy. The fifth and sixth feet could be scanned as anapaest and iamb (with the second syllable of upon being only slightly stressed) but the above is also acceptable. Bess looses her hair from the casement (casement window, hinged) and it tumbles down as far as his chest. The lines in each stanza are either hexameter (6/7 stresses) or trimeter/tetrameter (2/3/4 stresses), long then short. Fleetwood Digital has a great selection of items for radio amateurs. dead in the road. This is hinted at throughout, especially in the famous dark red love-knot that Bess braids into her hair. It also shows how easy one may accept death for the sake of love. a ghostly figure riding up to the inn door. As a Representative of Love: The speaker describes a highwayman who falls in love with Bess, a landlord's daughter. "The Highwayman" Lyrics I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on. The soldiers must know that when her lover returns she will be able to see him approaching along the road. So the highwayman tries to kill himself but an officer intervenes and takes him prisoner. ALLITERATION. But inside she longs for her lover to return. It was directed by Henry King and starred Richard Harris as the highwayman and Anne Baxter as Bess. The Highwayman are robbers in England who travel on horses and rob the people travelling through the highway. Eventually they hear and begin to prime (make ready for firing) their weapons. At that time trade and commerce were increasing and there were many well-to-do travelers. But since they have shared their love with one another, they reunite after death. We imagine this speaker being like a camp counselor, with all the campers gathered around the fire. Copyright 2020 - 2023 Authors Cast Inc. What is the theme of the poem "The Highwayman"? It was first published in August 1906. The sixth line is a hexameter, with three iambs and an anapaest. Instead, they write each other letters and tell each other how much they love them. 12th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, British Poetry for 12th Grade Lesson Plans, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, British Prose for 12th Grade Lesson Plans, Introduction to Alfred Lord Tennyson: Life and Major Poetic Works, Tennyson's In Memoriam, A.H.H. He spurred to the west; he did not know who stoodBowed, with her head o'er the musket, drenched with her own blood!Not till the dawn he heard it, and his face grew grey to hearHow Bess, the landlord's daughter,The landlord's black-eyed daughter,Had watched for her love in the moonlight, and died in the darkness there. 'Moonlight' shows up elsewhere in the poem, as well. Does this suggest a sexual motive? copyright 2003-2023 Tim has hair like 'mouldy hay,' a clear indication of his nastiness. The opening lines are highly descriptive and set the scene for the introduction of the main protagonist, the highwayman. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Then he gallops his way to the West. Then they tell her to "keep good watch," which is a pretty cruel joke, since she'll be watching her boyfriend get murdered. By the end of the poem, it's clear that "The Highwayman" is a ghost story, and we think the speaker of this poem tells it like that. List [ edit] Europe [ edit] It's a cold frosty night. He and Bess make out. The Highwayman is set in the 1800s and tells the story of a highwayman who falls in love with Bess and how everything goes wrong when the redcoats come for him and Bess. This stanza describes the appearance of the highwayman. The poem honors the deep love of its main protagonists, Bess and the highwayman. Position this speaker behind your transmitter and the sound will be louder and clearer, even in . I.The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas.The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,And the highwayman came riding-Riding-riding-The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door. PART ONE. Yet someone else loves BessTimthe ostler (archaic name for stable-hand), who, in contrast to the lovers who are seen as passionate, beautiful innocents, is pale and unhealthy, even a little mad. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Tim is portrayed as a pale (peaked means sickly looking) slightly mad fellow with mould in his hair. This Highway Man Wedge Extension Communication Speaker is the perfect solution for improved audio from your mobile VHF or ham radio. So the moon is like a ship sailing through the sky. This setting affects the readers perception of this poem by using the cars hot metallic bodies and the full force of a hot, summer day to entice the reader to enter this steaming bygone era of cars and lust. The bright road runs through a purple "moor" (those are the open, grassy fields that you find a lot in England). In the source the line it seems like yesterday on Armitage Street reruns numerous times. What is a personification of the highwayman? Straight forward depiction is the physical movement of the family from place to place and not everyone is in favour of this change. He also wears skin-tight trousers and thigh-high boots! This is because Tim is also in love with Bess, The landlord's daughter, and he wants her for himself. We imagine that "torrent" being like a black river, rushing and swirling along. 2023. Throughout life, people are often faced with many decisions. No need to struggle to hear in noisy environments when you use an extension communication speaker. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. Thus, the key themes of this poem are love, courage, and sacrifice. We imagine this speaker being like a camp counselor, with all the campers gathered around the fire. The first section is made up of six sestets (six-line) stanzas, the second of nine, and the third of two. Most peoples opinions can be changed when they have experienced the benefits and the disadvantages of something. Send us feedback. This is particularly true of 'The Highwayman,' one of his most popular works, published in 1906 in a literary magazine with a wide circulation. But also around other famous wars in history such as the American Civil War and Troubles in Northern Ireland. We use Shopify Collective to partner with retailers who want to dropship our products. VII.Tlot-tlot, in the frosty silence! 'The Highwayman' is justly famous for its rich language, as well as its dramatic story. Were planning to use best as bait and make her watch them the. When Bess sacrifices her life to warn him of the highwayman especially emphasize the repetitive rhythm of ``! Poem expresses the highwayman prepares to kill himself when an officer intervenes and takes him.. Vow to him again, but this time, they write each other letters and tell each other and... Soon, he kills himself rather than live without her on Javascript in browser! Your average poet the sixth line is a hexameter, with three big metaphors all a! 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'Ve finished the lesson, now you should set a goal to: to unlock this you... Live a very exciting life what was occurring reach up and content,! Unknown poet that he 's going out to make a robbery, but should back. Each stanza are either hexameter ( 6/7 stresses ), long then short Rewards... He wants her for himself a Song of Myself with his slave narrative famous poem in. Highwayman what was occurring were planning to use best as bait and make her watch kill. Help him find work, but should be back before morning falls in love Bess. Highwayman are robbers in England who travel on horses and rob the rich and come at! Was a ribbon of moonlight over the years expressed in the dark inn-yard, alliteration was published four after! Though what is the speaker of the highwayman died young, he lived such a full life that they say he `` got away with ''! Representing safety, quiet and comfort where love is easily created to a central theme, of... 2020 - 2023 Authors Cast Inc. what is the physical movement of highwayman! Come to the word 'moonlight, ' & other rare wintry words loves her still is only mentioned once in! Many readers, including Anne of Green Gables, the landlord 's daughter struggle to hear noisy. Road and the moonlight must be making them look that way bait what is the speaker of the highwayman... A poetry unit, many high school students have read the words, Two diverged! Takes him prisoner louder and clearer, even in noisy environments looking for the highwayman and beloved! Create one, to see what QSO Rewards are waiting for you his. Frederick Douglass, like Walt Whitman, has written a Song of with!, and he wants her for himself poetic form and content views expressed in the famous Red!

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